Showing Collections: 1 - 57 of 57
A N Yellappa Reddy Papers
Aasheesh Pittie Papers
Ajith Kumar Papers
The collection contains the papers of Ajith Kumar -- research field notes gathered during Kumar’s fieldwork in the early 1980s. Being a small volume, the material is all contained within one folder in the Research series.
Artefacts: KS Krishnan (biologist) Office
Artefacts: Obaid Siddiqi Lab
Artefacts: Obaid Siddiqi Office
Ashish Chandola Papers
B C Choudhury Papers
B S Madhava Rao Papers
C P Rajendran and Kusala Rajendran Papers
Carl D’Silva Papers
Chayanika Shah Papers
G S Rawat Papers
The accession consists of G S Rawat's papers. Gopal S Rawat is a wildlife biologist associated with the Wildlife Institute of India. His research interests include long-term ecological monitoring of high-altitude ecosystems, ecology and management of alpine rangeland/alpine meadows, and orchid systematics and ecology. The papers include Rawat's PhD thesis, notebooks and diaries, checklists of plants, and illustrations of plants.
Jamal Ara Collection
Archival papers relating to the life and work of the ornithologist, Jamal Ara, including correspondence, unpublished manuscripts, field diaries, notebooks, drafts of articles and final copies. Material ranging from 1940s to 1980s, almost all in the form of paper. Some material in Urdu. Volume approx 1 x 1 x 1.5 cubic feet.
K S Krishnan (biologist) Collection
K S Krishnan Papers
This collection contains material related to the life and work of K S Krishnan, a physicist and scientific administrator. The papers have been arranged into nine series - notes and notebooks, scientific research, administration and teaching, talks and writings, photographs, personal and ephemera, correspondence, material related to Krishnan collected by Krishnan family, material about Krishnan collected by D C V Mallik, and Tamil documents - spirituality and literature.
Krishnaja A P Papers
KS Krishnan (biologist) Book Collection
Leslie Coleman Papers
MS Swaminathan Papers
N L Char Papers
N V Joshi Papers
NCBS: Academic Office Collection
The Academic Office papers only include the Student Handbooks as of 2018. The Student Handbooks consists of all matters related to the students of NCBS. They provide guidelines for graduate students, gives an idea of how to defend a thesis, how lab rotations work in a science based institute, provides information on the Honour Code, information on courses and use of the library, the sports complex, etc.
NCBS: Establishment Office Collection
NCBS: Office of Dean Collection
NCBS: Photographs, Negatives and Slides Collection
NCBS: Publication Collection
NCBS: TIFR Collection
Obaid Siddiqi Book Collection
Obaid Siddiqi Collection
Obaid Siddiqi Lab Collection
Oral History: Ecology and Conservation
Oral History: History of Science
Oral History: NCBS
Oral History: The Life of Science Collaboration
P K Sukumaran Papers

Prakash Gole Papers
R J Ranjit Daniels Papers
R Prabhakar Papers
Rachel A Jesudasan Papers
This is a small donation of 5 photographs and a certificate from moments in geneticist Rachel A Jesudasan’s career, spanning roughly from 1986-2011. The photos show Jesudasan with colleagues and scientists such as Francis Crick and Ed Southern.
Ram Kumar Varma Papers
Ravi Sankaran Papers
Science Reporter Magazine
Science Reporter is published by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) of India. It is a monthly popular science magazine in publication since 1964. It is published in English and covers all aspects of science and technology. Scope of each issue or bound volume is outlined in the folder-level description.
Science Today Magazine
Single issues and bound volumes of Science Today Magazine (monthly periodical) from the library at St John’s Medical College, from 1977 to 1992. Scope of each issue or bound volume will be outlined in the folder-level description. Finding aid in progress.
Shripad and Nandini’s Papers of the Narmada Struggle
Small Donations - Agricultural Sciences
The S Subramanya material is a part of “SD-003-Small Donations-Agricultural Science”. The material is under a sub-series titled “UAS Publications” under the second series titled “S Subramanya”. The sub-series contains two booklets in Kannada related to entomology and one booklet in English regarding a student’s colloquium.
Small Donations - Ecology and Conservation
Small Donations - Space Sciences
Swasth Hind Magazine
TM Sahadevan Collection
TSG Sastry Papers
This collection consists of the papers of T.S.G. Sastry, a scientist who made significant contributions to the field of space research in India. Sastry was also one of the earliest PhD students at the Physics Research Laboratory in Ahmedabad, working under Vikram Sarabhai.
Usha Rai Papers
The Usha Rai papers consist of books authored by Rai related to humanitarian projects, research references for the writings, and newspapers and newspaper clippings written by or pertaining to Rai.
V Subrahmanyan Papers
The collection consists of letters, publications, and photographs belonging to V Subrahmanyan, a food scientist who led various notable projects on the improvement of food processing and the evaluation of the nutritional value of food grains in India as the first director of the Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI) in Mysore.