Showing Records: 5301 - 5400 of 6526
The Camera Society of India
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-6-5-26-55
The Central College Teachers' Union
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-013-1-5-2-30
The Challenge to Quality of Education in the Age of Globalisation
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-049-1-8-4-7
The Chief, Technology Utilisation, CSIR
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-045-1-2-1-39
The Conservation Action Plan for Gangetic Dolphins
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-042-1-2-4-2
The Council of Management of the Physical Research Laboratory
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-013-6-1-15-24
The courser that came in from the night', Free Press Journal (1986)
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-033-3-1-5-24
The Crescent Sun!- poster for partial solar eclipse 2019
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-031-2-1-1-12
The Crystal Structures of Some para-Dihalogen Derivatives of Benzene
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-2-2-6-2
The Crystal World
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-3-1-10-26
The Cyclic AMP Stimulus Sensed by Dictyostelium Cells During Aggregation: A Theoretical Estimate
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-017-2-2-5-15
The Dead Arm Disease of Grapes in Ontario - A Preliminary Study
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-012-4-0-3-12
The Dean, KEM College
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-028-1-1-1-60
The Department of International Exchange of the All-Union Lenin Library
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-6-4-20-87
The Diamagnetism of the Mobile Electrons in Aromatic Molecules -- Presidential Address
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-3-1-9-20
The Diaphragm - Paridhi Research Pvt. Ltd.
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-040-5-1-4-11
The Diaphragm - Paridhi Research Pvt. Ltd.
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-040-5-1-4-10
The 'Diffuse' Scattering of Electrons in Metals and Alloys in Relation to their Resistivities
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-2-2-6-3
The Distribution of Abnormal Haemoglobin in the Indian Population
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-3-18
The Earth's magnetism
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-1-2-4-9
The Elastic Constants of Alkali Halide Crystals
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-2-2-5-30
The Elementary Particle Theory Group
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-013-1-5-2-31
The Endangered Crocodiles of India
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-042-3-5-14-13
The Expansion of the Universe in Relation to the Observed Red-Shifts, and Distribution in Space, of Nebulae
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-2-2-5-22
The Experience of Job Loss in the Health Care and Electronics Industry
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-040-5-1-3-17
The faces of excellence
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-044-3-1-3-18
The Famine of 1876-1878 in South India, Roland Lardinois
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-021-1-2-6-9
The Faraday Society
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-6-4-20-88
The First World Conference on Trade in Froglegs Vis-A-Vis Environmental Considerations
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-042-1-3-5-5
The Ford Foundation, Board of Trustees Meeting, South-east Asia and China
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-007-6-2-25-6
The Frequencies and the Anharmonicitie of the Normal Models of Oscillation of Alkali Halide Crystals. I. Lattice Oscillations
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-2-2-5-29
Found in:
Archives at NCBS
K S Krishnan Papers
Series 2: Scientific Research, Administration and Teaching
Sub-Series 2: Drafts of Research Publications
The Frequencies and the Anharmonicitie of the Normal Models of Oscillation of Alkali Halide Crystals. I. Lattice Oscillations, 12 January 1951
The Frequencies and the Anharmonicitie of the Normal Models of Oscillation of Alkali Halide Crystals. II. Low-Frequency Acoustic Modes
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-2-2-5-31
Found in:
Archives at NCBS
K S Krishnan Papers
Series 2: Scientific Research, Administration and Teaching
Sub-Series 2: Drafts of Research Publications
The Frequencies and the Anharmonicitie of the Normal Models of Oscillation of Alkali Halide Crystals. II. Low-Frequency Acoustic Modes, bulk: 26 October 1951, 11 December 1951
The Gujarat Satpuras in Indian Ornitho-Geography
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-046-4-0-2-28
The 'Gujarati' Printing Press (Desai)
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-9-3-29-99
The Hindi Scientific Glossary -- Chemistry
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-049-2-4-5-13
The Illustrated Weekly of India
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-5-2-13-20
The Indian Academy of Sciences
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-013-6-1-15-26
The Indian Academy of Sciences
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-013-1-7-3-65
The Indian Academy of Sciences
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-013-1-8-4-10
The Indian Institute of Metals (C C Sood for R N Kapur)
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-6-5-26-56
The Indian Mathematical Society
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-013-1-7-3-66
The Indian Mathematical Society
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-013-1-8-4-11
The Indian Space Programme Profile (Science and Technology Sector) 1980-1990
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-041-2-3-10-47
The International Geophysical Year -- Broadcast Talk
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-3-1-10-3
The Journal of the Association of Physicians of India
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-3-19
The Keeping of Amphibia
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-042-3-5-14-14
The Lalbagh Botanical Illustrations - Archival Project Report
Digital Record
Identifier: SD-002-5-2-3-28
The Latest Situation related to Sardar Sarovar Project- With special reference to Madhya Pradesh
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-027-4-4-30-9
The Law Officer, CSIR
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-045-1-2-1-34
The Madras Christian College Day Association
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-6-5-26-57
The Madras Sanskrit Book Depot - Publisher : Krishnamachariar, A R
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-6-5-26-58
The Magnetic and Other Properties of the Free Electrons in Graphite. Part I
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-2-2-6-4
The Magnetic and Other Properties of the Free Electrons in Graphite. Part II
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-2-2-6-5
The Myths Exploded: The Unscientific Ways of Big Dams and Narmada Project.
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-027-4-1-29-26
The National High School Diamond Jubilee Souvenir Committee, Mannargudi (Ramachandra Iyer)
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-6-5-26-59
The National Museum of Natural History, India
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-042-3-3-12-15
The Nesting Habits of the Goldfinch
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-046-4-0-2-31
The new zoo revolution in India
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-042-1-2-4-29
The Nobel Committee for Physics
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-6-4-20-89
The Occurrence of Different Levels of G Gamma Chain and A Gamma T Variant of Fetal Hemoglobin in Newborn Babies From Several Countries
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-3-20
The Oil Merchants' Chamber Ltd
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-6-5-26-60
The Pacific Charter
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-013-6-6-16-32
The Pair Beside the Lake
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-018-2-7-3-27
The Palace Maramath Department, Mysore
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-045-1-1-1-13
The Palace, Mysore (Illuminated) -- Season's Greetings from Krishnaraja Wadiyar (Wodeyar)
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-012-5-3-4-9
The Palace, Mysore -- Season's Greetings from Krishnaraja Wadiyar (Wodeyar)
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-012-5-3-4-11
The Parambikulam Sanctuary - A Bird's Eye View
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-042-3-5-13-34
The Physical Review
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-044-1-0-1-58
The Physical Review
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-044-1-0-1-27
The Place of Fundamental Research in Industrial Progress -- Lecture
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-3-1-9-21
The Polarization Fields and the Resonance Frequencies of the Alkali Halide Crystals
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-2-2-5-35
The President of India – Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. Congratulations on the Prithvi
Digital Record
Identifier: SD-001-2-2-OS22-2
The Problem of the Molasses
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-045-1-3-2-7
The Relation Between Seeds and Micro-Organisms
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-045-1-3-2-6
The Rice Grasshopper (Hieroglyphus banian, Fabr.)
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-012-4-0-3-10
The Ring Disease of Potatoes (A Preliminary Report)
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-012-4-0-3-9
The Role of Management in the Conservation of Endangered Species with Special Reference to Indian Crocodilians
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-042-3-5-14-15
The Role of Mathematics in Quantum Theory
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-013-4-2-13-33
The Royal Society
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-6-4-20-90
The Royal Society, Burlington House
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-6-5-26-61
The Royal Society, Burlington House
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-6-6-28-20
The Sardar Sarovar Project: Experiences with Resettlement and Rehabilitation 1987-93.
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-027-4-1-30-2
The scattering of charged mesons
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-013-2-3-5-3
The Scientific Expert -- Broadcast Talk
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-3-1-10-10
The Shivaji Tamil Weekly
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-9-3-29-100
The Silver Stream
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-046-3-0-2-23
The Social History of the Tamils, KK Pillai
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-021-1-2-6-10
The South Indian Village
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-012-2-0-3-4
The Spatial Organisation of Plant Communities in a Deciduous Forest: A Computational Geometry Based Analysis
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-017-2-2-5-16
The State Institute of Languages, Kerala
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-013-1-7-4-1
The Temperature Variation of the Thermodynamic Potential of a Degenerate Electron Gas
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-2-2-5-36
The Thermionic Constants of Metals and Semi-conductors. I. Graphite
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-2-2-5-34
The Weizmann Institute of Science
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-013-1-6-3-19
Thermionic Constants of Graphite
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-2-2-5-32
Thesis : 'Contributions to Born's Field theory' by B. S. Madhava Rao.
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-013-2-2-4-27
Thesis - Draft (Part1/4)
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-017-2-6-8-11
Thesis - Hand drawn figures (Part 4/4)
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-017-2-6-8-14
Thesis outline 1/9
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-021-1-1-3-7
Thesis outline 2/9
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-021-1-1-3-8
Thesis outline 3/9
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-021-1-1-3-9