Box MS-049 Box 3
Contains 16 Results:
Series 1: Projects
Sub-Series 3: World Bank's Assault on India's Educational Policy, 1990 onwards
World Bank's Assault (Neoliberalism) on India's Education through District Primary Education Programme(DPEP), EFA and other interventions.
Research References, 1995-2002
i) Workshop on Abolition of Child Labour -- Rural-based initiatives by Shanta Sinha, ii) Development assistance to primary education in India: transformation of enthusiastic donors and reluctant recipients by Jandhyala B G Tilak, iii) Working Paper Series -- Elementary Education in India by Tara Beteille, iv) India: Expanding and Improving Upper Primary Education in India
District Primary Education Programme(DPEP) -- Report on National Resource Camp, February 1997
Regarding the nature of an activity and issues related to the processes of learning in general.
DPEP Research Studies Programme, 1998
Management of School Education in India -- volume of abstracts -- under National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration.
Issues in Primary Education -- DPEP, March 1999
A Despatch on Primary Education.
Independent People'sTribunal on the World Bank in India, 2007-2008
i) Paper's on World Bank's Policies on Education in India,.
Correspondence -- The Chairperson, Parliament Standing Committee on Human Resource Development, 27 January 2009
Memorandum on the anti-constitutional, discriminatory and pro-privatization and pro-commercialization "The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Bill, 2008
Sub-Series 4: LOKSHALA Programme -- Alternative Vision of Universalisation of Elementary Education (UEE) -- Bharat Jan Vigyan Jatha (BJVJ)
Reports, 1997-2001
Demonstrating an Alternative Vision of Universalisation of Elementary Education (UEE) -- Proposals, 1999-2003
i) Proposal for Support from Child Relief and You, ii) Proposal for Lokshala process in Umsning Block, Meghalaya, iii) Proposal for Academic Support to The Lokshala Advanced Field Laboratories of North East, iv) Proposal for May 2003 to March 2003 by Thangsning - BJVJ Basic Unit, Thsngsning; Synroplang for Social Transformation, Shillong.
Publicity Material -- BJVJ, Undated
Sub-Series 5: Decoding Educational Policy
Education Policy: A Historical Overview, Undated
38 slides from a presentation about educational policy -- historical overview (1947 to date) fro, constitutional framework to market hegemony by Anil Sadgopal.
Sub-Series 6: National Focus Group on 'Work and Education'
Work and Education, 2004
National Curriculum Framework - 2005 --- Position paper -- National Focus Group on ' Work and Education', the chairperson was Anil Sadgopal. Includes papers by Anil Sadgopal, S Z Haider, Davinder K Vaid and Pratibha Jolly.