Sub-Series 6: National Focus Group on 'Work and Education'
Content Description
The collection is divided into four series titled, Projects, Curated Projects, Materials belonging to Sadgopal and Research References.
The first series - Projects, is divided into 8 subseries, The first seven subseries are projects that he was a part of. They are as below:
1)Bhopal Gas Tragedy which consists of reports that he submitted to courts for relief and rehabilitation of victims, press releases, and his research references.
2)Central Advisory Board of Education which is a government body. This sub-series consists of reports, records, minutes of meetings, proposals, and other materials from CABE when he was a member of the Board.
3)World Bank's Assault on India's Educational Policy is a bunch of documents that were titled by the donor. He describes it as the World Bank's Assault (Neoliberalism) on India's Education through the District Primary Education Programme(DPEP), EFA and other interventions. The sub-series contains DPEP reports, related correspondence, Ministry of Human Resource Development publications, and research references.
4)LOKSHALA Programme -- Alternative Vision of Universalisation of Elementary Education (UEE) -- Bharat Jan Vigyan Jatha (BJVJ). This was also titled by the donor and consists of documents related to the Lokshala Programme and BJVJ. The goal of the Lokshala Project is the universalization of Elementary education in India, and is run by BJVJ. This project is envisaged as a nationwide programme that will be run in a decentralized manner. The idea is to club regions that need help into blocks of 125-150 primary schools and 20-25 upper primary schools. The strategy is to intervene in the Govt. school network andbring about sustainable changes in the character of school education.
5)The next series, titled Decoding Educational Policy, is titled by the donor and consists of slides printed out on paper from a presentation about the same.
6)National Focus Group on “ Work and Education “ consists of a position paper for the National Curriculum Framework 2005.
7)Hoshangabad Science Teaching Programme – was an initiative to improve science teaching and learning at school levels and develop innovative and interactive ways of school science teaching. Anil Sadgopal and his organisation Kishore Bharati, spearheaded this programme and hence in this sub-series, there is material relating to the programme, like textbooks and articles on the programme.
8)The eighth and final subseries consists of Writings by Sadgopal
The second series, Curated Projects consists of four sub-series which are projects that we are unsure if he was involved in, the possibility is that he was interested in these projects and collected material on them. The sub-series here are:
1) UNICEF -- Duniya ke bacchon ki stithi
2) Financing Education in India and its Political Economy
3) P M Bhargava's Petition in Supreme Court
4) Scientific Terminology in Indian Languages
The third series is material related to Sadgopal (Anil Sadgopal’s father). It consists of his thesis documents and rare publications.
The fourth series, Research References- reports and Publications. It consists of unpublished reports from the government and other NGOs collected and referred by Anil Sadgopal on mostly education and related fields.
- Creation: 1930-2010
- From the Collection: V., Parvathy (Processing Archivist, Person)
- From the Collection: Sadgopal, Anil (Creator, Person)
From the Collection: 4.5 Linear Feet : 9 Hollinger boxes and 1 over-sized object
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
From the Collection: Hindi
Repository Details
Part of the Archives at NCBS Repository
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