Box MS-042 Box 5
Contains 20 Results:
First Meeting of IUCN/SSC Snake Specialist Group, 8 November 1982 - 17 November 1982
Report by B C Choudhury on the First Meeting of IUCN/SSC Snake Specialist Group held in Chennai and photographs. Group photo includes BC Choudhury, J Vijaya (Viji) and others.
BNHS Centenary Seminar, 11 August 1983 - 10 December 1983
Contains correspondence, notes, and a draft of a paper titled ' Captive Breeding of Endangered Crocodiles in India' presented by B C Choudhury at BNHS Centenary Seminar with a few pages missing.
First Research Scholars' Symposium on Indian Crocodiles, Part 3/3, 1983 - 1984
Contains reprint requests and feedback letters from India and abroad for the B C Choudhury's publication of the proceedings of the symposium held in Katerniaghat in 1979.
Crocodile Specialists Group (CSG) Meeting, Venenzuala, 1983 - 1985
Contains transparencies, notes, drafts, and correspondence for two papers presented by B C Choudhury, L A K Singh, and S Kar for th 7th Crocodile Specialists Group meeting in Venenzuala. The papers presented are: (i) India: Status Report on Wild Crocodilians, and (ii) Indian crocodilians: A review of management over 10 years.
The First World Conference on Trade in Froglegs Vis-A-Vis Environmental Considerations, July 1986
Participation Report by B C Choudhury on the The First World Conference on Trade in Froglegs Vis-A-Vis Environmental Conditions held in Kolkata.
First World Congress of Herpetology, June 1988 - September 1989
Contains schedule, circular, forms, and letters related to the herpetological meeting held at the University of Kent, Canterbury, UK.
First International Asian Otter Symposium, 17 October 1988 - 19 October 1988
Contains notes related to the action plan for the conservation of the Asian Otter discussed at the First International Asian Otter Symposium in Bangalore, 1988.
SAP 1 Meeting, Wildlife Institute of India, March 1989
Contains a document with arrangements for the SAP 1 Meeting organised by Wildlife Institute of India.
Receipts from FAO project in Somalia, 15 December 1989 - 19 March 1991
Contains correspondence and receipts related to B C Choudhury's appointment as an FAO consultant for two months in Somalia.
Study Tour, Visit to Tadoba National Park, 28 December 1989 - 29 December 1989
Contains a schedule for a study tour to Tadoba National Park organised by the Wildlife Institute of India.
Decennial Seminar, Birdwatcher's Society of Andhra Pradesh, 7 February 1990 - 9 February 1990
Contains schedule and invitation.
Crocodile Specialist Group (CSG), 10th Working Meeting in the USA, 22 April 1990 - 30 April 1990
Contains schedule, correspondences, and handouts related to the meeting.
WII-UNESCO Protected Area Buffer Zone Management, 18 February 1991 - 23 February 1991
Contains a programme schedule for the event.
Four week training programme on zoo management, 11 November 1991 - 6 December 1991
Contains a schedule for a four-week programme organised by the Wildlife Institute of India, with B C Choudhury as faculty.
Sixth National Conference of Indian Zoo Directors, February 1992
Contains paper titled 'Crocodile Conservation in India - Supplementary Role of Zoos Through Captive Breeding' presented by B C Choudhury at the Sixth National Conference of Indian Zoo Directors at Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad in 1992.
Seminar on Conservation of River Dolphins of Indian Sub-Continent, 18 August 1992 - 19 August 1992
Contains an invitation to the seminar held at CSIR Science Centre in New Delhi.
Late Shri P Srinivas Memorial Lecture invitation, 10 November 1995
Invitation to a memorial lecture delivered by Ashok Sharma.
Endangered Species and Zoo Management Course, 11 Decemeber 1996 - 20 December 1996
Contains schedule, notes, and references for the programme organised by Wildlife Institute of India at Nandankanan Biological Park, Bhubaneswar.
Third Meeting of Siberian Crane Range States, December 1998
India Country Report on Siberian Crane Conservation Plan presented by B C Choudhury at the Third Meeting of Siberian Crane Range States at RAMSAR in Iran. Also includes a handwritten note by B C Choudhury.
Guest Lecture, Forest Research Institute, 26 May 1999
Contains transparencies and notes for a guest lecture by B C Choudhury at FRI deemed University on Wildlife Habitat Studies and Management with Special Reference to Wetlands.