Box MS-024 Box 9
Contains 34 Results:
V Amritalingam, 25 March 1957
Contains a typewritten draft of a report on the thesis submitted by V Amritalingam for the degree of Master of Science titled "Crystal Structure of DL-Aspartic Acid".
Sub-Series 9: Lecture Notes
This collection contains material related to the life and work of K S Krishnan, a physicist and scientific administrator. The papers have been arranged into nine series - notes and notebooks, scientific research, administration and teaching, talks and writings, photographs, personal and ephemera, correspondence, material related to Krishnan collected by Krishnan family, material about Krishnan collected by D C V Mallik, and Tamil documents - spirituality and literature.
Untitled - Draft Lecture -- Physics, Undated
Loose pages containing handwritten notes from a lecture on modern concepts in physics.
Untitled -- Geological Institute Lecture on Graphite -- Notes, Undated
Loose pages containing handwritten notes from a lecture about Graphite.
Untitled - Lecture Notes - Electronic band structure, Undated
Loose pages containing handwritten notes for a lecture on electronic band structure in the presence of Frenkel defects.
Untitled -- Lecture Notes -- Low Temperature Physics, Undated
Loose pages containing handwritten notes from a lecture on producing low temperatures for experimental use.
Untitled -- Lecture Notes -- Low Temperature Physics, Undated
Loose pages containing handwritten notes for a lecture on producing low temperatures for experimental physics.
Untitled -- Lecture Notes -- Magnetism, Undated
Loose pages containing handwritten notes from a lecture on magnetism and entropy also include anecdotes about Michael Faraday.
Untitled -- Lecture Notes -- Magnetic properties of organic molecules, Undated
Loose pages containing handwritten notes from a partial lecture on magnetic properties of organic molecules.
Series 3: Talks and Writings
This collection contains material related to the life and work of K S Krishnan, a physicist and scientific administrator. The papers have been arranged into nine series - notes and notebooks, scientific research, administration and teaching, talks and writings, photographs, personal and ephemera, correspondence, material related to Krishnan collected by Krishnan family, material about Krishnan collected by D C V Mallik, and Tamil documents - spirituality and literature.
Sub-Series 1: Addresses, Talks and Lectures
This collection contains material related to the life and work of K S Krishnan, a physicist and scientific administrator. The papers have been arranged into nine series - notes and notebooks, scientific research, administration and teaching, talks and writings, photographs, personal and ephemera, correspondence, material related to Krishnan collected by Krishnan family, material about Krishnan collected by D C V Mallik, and Tamil documents - spirituality and literature.
The Diamagnetism of the Mobile Electrons in Aromatic Molecules -- Presidential Address, bulk: 4 January 1940, 29 April 1940
Contains a booklet with K S Krishnan's Presidential address at the Twenty-Seventh Indian Science Congress, Section of Physics at Madras. The address was delivered on 4 January 1940 and printed in the Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Indian Science Congress, Part 2 on 29 April 1940.
The Place of Fundamental Research in Industrial Progress -- Lecture, bulk: 30 September 1941, 11 October 1941
Contains a notice and a draft of the Sri Krishnarajendra Silver Jubilee lecture delivered by K S Krishnan titled "The Place of Fundamental Research in Industrial Progress".
My Test-Tube Trials -- Broadcast Talk, Circa 14 March 1944
A handwritten draft for a talk by K S Krishnan titled "My Test-Tube Trials" which was to be recorded in Lucknow on 10 March 1944 and broadcasted on radio in Lahore on 14 March 1944.
Summary of the talk on the "Carbon Atom in Chemistry", 10 March 1950
Contains a typewritten summary of a talk given by K S Krishnan on the "Carbon Atom in Chemistry" as part of the Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Pusa Agricultural Research Society held on 10 March 1950.
Special Lecture on Graphite, bulk: 19 to 21 January 1955, 10 March 1955
Contains a letter from Rabinder Singh, National Metallurgical Laboratory, enclosed with a copy of K S Krishnan's special lecture on Graphite delivered as part of the Symposium on "Recent Trends in the Field of Production, Practice and Research on Refractories Used in Metal Industry". Also enclosed are copies of the questions E H Bucknall, S Visvanathan, G V L N Murty, Parvez Mehta, T V Prasad, and T W Talwalkar asked regarding the lecture.
Untitled -- Broadcast Talk on the Peaceful uses of Atomic Energy, bulk: 19 August 1955, 20 August 1955
Untitled -- Lecture delivered at the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunications Engineers, bulk: 12 September 1955, Undated
Contains a note with an attached verbatim transcription of a lecture delivered by K S Krishnan at the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunications Engineers for being elected as an Honorary Member.
Sub-Series 6: Meetings and Conferences
This collection contains material related to the life and work of K S Krishnan, a physicist and scientific administrator. The papers have been arranged into nine series - notes and notebooks, scientific research, administration and teaching, talks and writings, photographs, personal and ephemera, correspondence, material related to Krishnan collected by Krishnan family, material about Krishnan collected by D C V Mallik, and Tamil documents - spirituality and literature.
Event Invitations -- 1930-1939, bulk: 19 to 26 May 1936, 18 March 1937 - 24 May 1939
Event Invitations -- 1940 - 1949, bulk: 9 Mar 1940 - 4 January 1949
Event Invitations -- 1950 - 59, bulk: 16 June 1950 - 8 December 1959
Event Invitations -- 1960 - 1961, bulk: 14 February - 27 April 1961, Undated
Sub-Series 7: Patent Documents
This collection contains material related to the life and work of K S Krishnan, a physicist and scientific administrator. The papers have been arranged into nine series - notes and notebooks, scientific research, administration and teaching, talks and writings, photographs, personal and ephemera, correspondence, material related to Krishnan collected by Krishnan family, material about Krishnan collected by D C V Mallik, and Tamil documents - spirituality and literature.
Patent Application, bulk: 7 June 1934, 7 September 1934, Undated
Sub-Series 8: Teaching
This collection contains material related to the life and work of K S Krishnan, a physicist and scientific administrator. The papers have been arranged into nine series - notes and notebooks, scientific research, administration and teaching, talks and writings, photographs, personal and ephemera, correspondence, material related to Krishnan collected by Krishnan family, material about Krishnan collected by D C V Mallik, and Tamil documents - spirituality and literature.
Bose, Akshayananda, bulk: Undated
Contains the following: i. Typewritten draft with handwritten annotations of a thesis for the D Sc degree at Dacca University. ii. An application by Akshayananda Bose for the Royal Society and Nuffield Foundation Commonwealth Bursaries Scheme. K S Krishnan is mentioned as a scientist prepared to recommend the visit to the laboratories for study.
Guha, Bhagwati Charan, 3 October 1947
Typewritten draft of an article by Bhagwati Charan Guha titled "The Magnetic Properties of Some Paramagnetic Crystals at Low Temperature". On the first page is the following handwritten annotation: "Communicated by W G Penney F R S - Received 3 October 1947".
C Mahadevan, Undated
Typewritten report by the examination committee about C Mahadevan's thesis submitted for the D Sc degree.
G K Ambady, Undated
Report on the thesis titled "Studies on Collage" submitted by G K Ambady for the Master of Science Degree.
S Venkataraman, Undated
Report on the thesis submitted by S Venkataraman by O W Richardson, H T Flint and E V Appleton.
T S Krishnan, Undated
It contains a typewritten draft of a report on the thesis submitted by T S Krishnan for the PhD degree at Bombay University titled "Investigations on the Raman Spectra of Crystals".
Series 2: Scientific Research, Administration and Teaching
This collection contains material related to the life and work of K S Krishnan, a physicist and scientific administrator. The papers have been arranged into nine series - notes and notebooks, scientific research, administration and teaching, talks and writings, photographs, personal and ephemera, correspondence, material related to Krishnan collected by Krishnan family, material about Krishnan collected by D C V Mallik, and Tamil documents - spirituality and literature.
Series 8: Material related to Krishnan collected by DCV Mallik
This collection contains material related to the life and work of K S Krishnan, a physicist and scientific administrator. The papers have been arranged into nine series - notes and notebooks, scientific research, administration and teaching, talks and writings, photographs, personal and ephemera, correspondence, material related to Krishnan collected by Krishnan family, material about Krishnan collected by D C V Mallik, and Tamil documents - spirituality and literature.