Box SD-002 Box 3
Contains 34 Results:
Series 1: Zafar Futehally
Sub-Series 1: Projects
Project Lifescape, 1999
Contains letter from Sivan V V to Zafar Futehally dated 7th September 1999. Regarding Lifescape article by Madhav Gadgil published in Resonance, mentions list of animal taxa and other details about the project.
WWF, 2004
Contains letter from Claude Martin to Zafar Futehally, dated 1 June, 2004. Regarding the work of WWF and its collaborations with NGOs in Asia. Mentions WWF - Annual Review 2003. Also contains a booklet on WWF.
Annual General Meeting of SACON society, 2005
Contains a letter from Lalitha Vijayan, Director of Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History (SACON) to Zafar Futehally, dated 18th August, 2005, regarding the Annual General Meeting and an Extraordinary General Meeting of SACON society.
Project on Ficus Trees, Undated
Brochure detailing the activities of Karnataka Heritage Society set up by Zafar Futehally to save trees of the Ficus family in and around Bangalore and in the countryside surrounding the city.
Newsletter for Birdwatchers, May 1973
This folder contains Newsletter for Birdwatchers, Vol 13, No 5. It includes articles by A Navarro, Madhav Gadgil, Winston Creado, Ranavijay Pratap Singh and Kameshwar Singh.
Sub-Series 4: Conservation and Birdwatching References
Pitta: Bulletin of the Birdwatcher's Society of Andhra Pradesh, 2003
This folder contains copies of Pitta: Bulletin of the Birdwatcher's Society of Andhra Pradesh. The Bulletin is divided into different sections: Programme, Notes and News, Birding Notes and Correspondence.
Pitta: Bulletin of the Birdwatcher's Society of Andhra Pradesh, 2004
This folder contains copies of Pitta: Bulletin of the Birdwatcher's Society of Andhra Pradesh. The Bulletin is divided into different sections: Programme, Notes and News, Birding Notes and Correspondence.
Pitta: Bulletin of the Birdwatcher's Society of Andhra Pradesh, 2005
This folder contains copies of Pitta: Bulletin of the Birdwatcher's Society of Andhra Pradesh. The Bulletin is divided into different sections: Programme, Notes and News, Birding Notes and Correspondence.
Samsad News: The Prakriti Samsad Monthly Newsletter, 2003
Contains Vol 21, No 7, No 9 and No 10 of the monthly newsletter by Prakriti Samsad - an NGO based in Kolkata, India that is engaged in the study and conservation of nature.
Samsad News: The Prakriti Samsad Monthly Newsletter, 2005
Contains Vol 23, No 1 and No 2 of the monthly newsletter by Prakriti Samsad - an NGO based in Kolkata, India that is engaged in the study and conservation of nature.
Flamingo: Newsletter for the Bird Conservation Society, Gujarat, 2005
Contains Vol 3, No 2 of the monthly newsletter by Bird Conservation Society, Gujarat - a forum for birders in the state of Gujarat, India.
Series 2: Birdwatching and Conservation
Sub-Series 1: Birding networks in India
Checklist of Birds of Delhi and District, 1967
Contains copy checklist of birds of Delhi compiled by Joseph George. Includes a copy of a letter from George to H Williams, dated 4th May, 1967, that mentions the checklist .
Appeal to save Puthutotam, a threatened private forest in Valparai, Tamil Nadu, 2001
Contains copy of a letter from Rainforest Research Station to J C Kala, Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Goverment of Tamil Nadu dated 17 December, 2001, regarding the threat facing the 800-acre Puthutotam estate due to tree-felling.
Manuscript - Birds, Undated
Early manuscript to establish a format on a book series on natural history by Madhav Gadgil.
Field Diary - Recce - Sacred Groves of Andhra Pradesh, Undated
Typed field diary of a research trip surveying sacred groves and visit people associated with sacred groves in Andhra Pradesh.
Checklist of Birds of BRT Tiger Reserve, 2012
Copy of a checklist of birds of BRT tiger reserve compiled by S Subramanya and Vijay Mohan Raj.
Final Report: Karnataka Tiger Conservation project, 2001
Final report of the tiger conservation project in Nagarhole, Bhadra, Bandipur and Kudremukh undertaken by the Wildlife Conservation Society.
Home Study Course in Ornithology, Undated
Brochure for the home study course in ornithology organised by Institute of Bird Studies and Natural History at the Rishi Valley Education Centre.
Copy of Media Clipping -- Articles on Birds of Madras by H A C, 1960
Copy of two articles on Birds of Madras in The Hindu dated 4th and 16th September 1960 by H A C.
Series 5: Bangalore Environmment Trust - Vijay Thiruvady
Sub-Series 1: Correspondence
Balcar, Tanya; Stewart, Bob, bulk: 15 January 2000; 18 January 2000
Letter to Zafar and Laeeq Futehally regarding Environmental Education Centre in Vattakanal, Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu, India. Attached are photos of the education centre. Also mentions environmental issues due to development in Kodai. Includes another letter from Zafar to Thiruvady mentioning the work of the education centre.
Jayashree, 4 December 2006
Letter to Zafar Futehally. Includes pleasantries and general enquiries. Mentions leaflets from Mt. Auburn cemetary in Boston.
Sub-Series 2: Projects
The Lalbagh Botanical Illustrations - Archival Project Report, ca 2011
Summary of the archival activities undertaken by Srishti School of Art, Design and Technology with Bangalore Environment Trust to archive the botanical illustration collection at the Horticulture Department, Lalbagh Gardens, Bangalore. Includes research reference material on trees of Lalbagh.
A report on ecotherapy pilot programme for children with special needs, 2014-2015
Contains a booklet which outlines the activities of Bangalore Environment Trust which conducted an ecotherapy programme for children with special needs. Includes a copy of a photo of the organising team with children. Also includes two compact discs containing a film on ecotherapy made by Bangalore Environment Trust.
An assessement of ecotherapy programs for children with special needs from 2014 to 2020, 2020
Book published by Bangalore Environmental Trust which outlines the programmes focussed on ecotherapy for children with special needs.
Sub-Series 3: Newsletters, notices and pamphlets
Meeting on 'Trees of Bangalore', January 2007
Contains invitation and programme schedule for a meeting on trees of Bangalore organised by Bangalore Environment Trust which focussed on the preservation and further planting of trees in the city. Includes an empty folder created for the meeting.