Box MS-017 Box 6
Contains 28 Results:
Sub-Series 3: Research References
Research References -- People of India Project (Part 1/3), Undated
Contains drafts related to the "People of India" project which are titled as follows: i. "Conceptual Framework and Methodology of the Project" ii. "Identity Perception Communities Distribution Segments"
Research References -- People of India Project (Part 2/3), Undated
Contains drafts related to the "People of India" project which are titled as follows: i. "Biological Structure of the Indian Population" ii. "Family and Kinship in India" iii. "Languages of the People of India" iv. "Physical Structure of Indian Population"
Research References -- People of India Project (Part 3/3), bulk: 1921, 1991
Contains the following: i. Copy of the "Classified List of Indian Languages as Shown in the Linguistic Survey of India and the Census of 1921". ii. A part of the "People of India: A Quantitative Profile (Volume 1)" by K S Singh. ii. A part of the "People of India: A Quantitative Profile (Volume 2)" by K S Singh.
Sub-Series 4: Reviews and Comments
Reviews and Comments by N V Joshi -- Current Science, 24 August 1998
Contains handwritten comments by N V Joshi on a manuscript titled "Can DDT enhance incidences of Malaria?" by A P Gore et al .
Reviews and Comments by N V Joshi -- Journal of Biosciences, Undated
Reviews and Comments by N V Joshi -- Journal of Genetics, 14 September 1998
Contains typed comments by N V Joshi on a manuscript titled "Mutational Effects of Constraints........Arabidopsis thaliana" by Massimo Pigliucci et al.
Reviews and Comments by N V Joshi -- Manuscripts, bulk: 1 July 1988, Undated
Contains annotations by N V Joshi on the following manuscripts: i. "A Distributed, Interoperable, Open Access Publishing Model for Improving the Visibility of Indian Science Research" by T B Rajashekar. ii. "How do Heterogametic Females Survive without Gene Dosage Compensation?" by H Sharat Chandra.
Reviews and Comments by N V Joshi -- Forms, Undated
Contains annotations by N V Joshi on a draft form titled "Rural Energy, Resource Availability and Use Patterns" from U Shrinivasa.
Reviews and Comments by Others -- Thesis, Undated
Contains general comments on a Ph.D thesis submitted by T V Ramachandra given to N V Joshi in his capacity as a co-guide.
Reviews and Comments by Others -- "Drongos and the Mixed Species Feeding Flocks", Undated
Contains comments given by anonymous referees for the manuscript titled "Drongos and the Mixed Species Feeding Flocks" by Lalitha Vijayan et al.
Reviews and Comments by Others -- "Evolution of Polyembryony: Consequences to the Fitness of Mother and Offspring", Undated
Contains responses to the referee's comments on the manuscript titled "Evolution of Polyembryony: Consequences to the Fitness of Mother and Offspring" by K N Ganeshaiah, Uma Shankar, and N V Joshi.
Reviews and Comments by Others -- "On the Role of Refugia in Promoting Prudent Use of Biological Resources", Undated
Contains comments by reviewers, a report about the manuscript, and responses to reviewers' comments on the manuscript titled "On the Role of Refugia in Promoting Prudent Use of Biological Resources" by N V Joshi and Madhav Gadgil.
Sub-Series 5: Meetings and Conferences
Meetings and Conferences -- 1974, 26 to 29 December 1974
Contains a book of abstracts from the "National Conference on Crystallography and Symposium on the Structure and Conformation of Biological Molecules" held at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
Meetings and Conferences -- 1976, 3 April 1976
Contains a schedule of a seminar titled "View-Points on Evolution" held at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
Meetings and Conferences -- 1982, 8 to 19 November 1982
Contains a program for the preplanning meeting, an information booklet, a booklet of abstracts of papers for the poster session, a book of abstracts of papers, and a preliminary report from the "ICRISAT - WMO Symposium/Planning Meeting on the Agrometeorology of Sorghum and Millet in the Semi-Arid Tropics" held at ICRISAT, Hyderabad.
Meetings and Conferences -- 1985 (Part 1/2), 29 to 31 July 1985
Contains a program information booklet and a book of abstracts from the "Fifth International Conference on Mathematical Modelling" held at the University of California, Berkeley.
Meetings and Conferences -- 1985 (Part 2/2), 16 to 22 December 1985
Meetings and Conferences -- 1987, 5 to 10 October 1987
Contains a program information pamphlet and a discussion article from the symposium titled "Chaos.Order.Catastrophe" held at the National Centre for the Performing Arts, Bombay.
Meetings and Conferences -- 1991, 3 August 1991
Contains a program schedule and abstract of papers from an "In-House Seminar" organized by the Centre for the Application of Science and Technology to Rural Areas at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
Meetings and Conferences -- 1992, bulk: 22 September 1992, 23 September 1992, 24 September 1992, 6 to 9 November 1992, 11 to 13 December 1992
Meetings and Conferences -- 1993, bulk: 23 & 24 July 1993, 8 to 13 August 1993
Contains the following: i. A program schedule for the "Mid-Year Meeting" organized by the Indian Academy of Sciences at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. ii. An information booklet from the "International Symposium on Pollination in Tropics" held at Hotel Ashok, Bangalore.
Meetings and Conferences -- 1994, 12 to 16 November 1994
Contains an information booklet, a "change in program" schedule, and an abstract of a paper by K S Singh from the "XVIII Indian Social Science Congress" held at the M S University, Baroda.
Meetings and Conferences -- 1996, 27 to 29 February 1996
Contains a tentative program of a workshop on "Climate Component of Rice Productivity" held at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore