Box MS-017 Box 4
Contains 58 Results:
Sub-Series 5: 2010 to 2019
Centre for Ecological Sciences, bulk: 8 June 2011, 16 June 2011, 12 March 2012, 8 June 2012.
i. Email from N V Joshi to Chairman, CES, regarding the details of the space allotted to him in the New Biology Building. ii. Email from N V Joshi to CES office regarding the allotment of Room in the New Biology Building. iii. Letter to N V Joshi from R Sukumar regarding the work report of Dr D M Bhat. iv. Letter to N V Joshi regarding C. O. P. meeting.
Chandra, Harish, 18 February 2010
Letter to P Balaram regarding his manuscript on 'Seismic strength of Pokharan II nuclear blasts does not support any claim of a successful underground H- bomb detonation'.
Chandrashekara, K, 28 August 2014
Letter to the Chairman, Centre for Ecological Sciences, IISc, Bangalore regarding the inclusion of N V Joshi as a member of the Advisory Committee of Mr Y B Srinivasa, a student at the Department of Agricultural Entomology, UAS Bangalore.
Cochin University of Science and Technology, 18 March 2010
Letter to N V Joshi regarding the combined meeting of the Board of Studies in Marine Biotechnology and Faculty of Environmental Studies.
Deshpande, R. S., 16 May 2011
Letter to N V Joshi inviting him to the International Conference on the 'Adaptive Management of Ecosystems: The Knowledge Systems of Societies for Adoption and Mitigation of Climate Change'
Mashelkar, R. A., 9 December 2016
Email to Madhavan regarding comments on the working committee meeting for Current Science.
Mitra, Barun S., 1 November 2010
Letter to N V Joshi regarding the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change(NIPCC) titled 'Climate Change Reconsidered'.
Ramachandra, T. V., 5 November 2011
Letter to Naseem Ahmad regarding submission of research proposal 'Assessment of ecosystem services of sacred groves of Central Western Ghats in Karnataka' for financial assistance from the Ministry of Environment and Forests.
Recommendation Letters, bulk: 27 April 2012, 21 August 2012, 29 September 2013, 1 November 2013, 25 November 2013, 2 January 2014, 17 May 2014, 15 July 2014, 25 December 2014, 22 March 2015, 22 June 2015, 6 July 2015, 12 August 2015, 15 February 2016,
Recommendation letters by N V Joshi for Shilpi Samantray, Jayshree Vencatesan, Alok Bang, Yuval Sapir, Aditya Balaram, Mahua Ghara, Aditya Balaram, Mahua Ghara, Gururaja K V, Neha Kalmankar, Bharath H. Aithal, Rajasri Ray,
Reddy, T. S., 18 May 2010
Letter to N VJoshi regarding preparation of panel of experts in the Union Public Service Commission. Enclosed is a biodata form.
Shrivastava, Ashutosh, 1 June 2010
Letter inviting research papers for publication in the Adhyayan International Research Organisation journal publication.
Srinivasan, J and D. Chatterji, 11 December 2010
Letter to all the fellows of Indian Academy of Sciences about electing the new fellows. Enclosed is ballot paper for electing them.
University of Pune, 13 April 2012
Letter to N V Joshi regarding meeting of the selection committee in the Centre for Modelling and Simulation, under Section 76 of M. U. Act, 1994.
Venkataraman, Kartik, 1 December 2010
Letter to the co-investigators from ISRO regarding 27th Annual Inhouse Symposium on Space Science and Technology.
Sub-Series 6: Undated
Balasubramanian, A V, Undated
i. Letter to N V Joshi regarding a new publication from Centre for Indian Knowledge Systems (CIKS) - Tradition Knowledge Systems of India and Sri Lanka. ii. Letter to N V Joshi asking him to enroll himself as a Life Subscriber for the Patriotic and People-Oriented Science and Technology (PPST) Bulletin.
Biswas, S. K., Undated
A note asking N V Joshi to write an item on the enclosed article titled - ' The Health of Indian Science' by B K Bachhawat and U N Singh.
Centre for Ecological Sciences, Undated
Email to Raghavendra Gadagkar regarding four proposals for the tenth plan of Ministry of Environment and Forests.
Dharmarajan, Guha, Undated
Letter to N V Joshi about their meeting.
Gadagkar, Raghavendra, Undated
A note to N V Joshi regarding the availability of certain books
Gadgil, Madhav, Undated
i. Letter to N V Joshi regarding his interest in the 'Evolution of Social Behaviour' seminar in Mahabaleshwar. ii. Letter to the Chairman of Computer Centre of IISc on the issue of Store Demand Note for procuring CES quota of IBM full faced computer cards.
Ganeshaiah, K N, Undated
i. Letter to N V Joshi regarding an announcement for the DST (Department of Science and Technology)-sponsored interaction meeting on pollination and dispersal ecology. ii. Fax to Natalie Waran regarding compiling a few articles on Animal Welfare in a broader perspective in Current Science.
Joshi, N V, Undated
Letter to the Chairman of the Division of Biological Sciences, IISc related to the evaluation of Janardhanan Pillai.
Krishnamurthy, S. S., Undated
Letter to N V Joshi regarding review of the book 'A Mathematical treatment of dynamical models in Biological Sciences'.
Majumdar, Partha, Undated
i. Letter to Gadgil which was forwarded to N V Joshi asking if he wanted to take a look at the journal enclosed titled- 'On Tests and Measures of Group Divergence' from the Journal and Proceedings, Asiatic Society of Bengal. ii. A note asking N V Joshi if he could contribute an article for the Haldane Centenary Celebration along with a brief note on it.
Natarajan, Usha, Undated
Letter to N V Joshi thanking him for speaking to her.
Oza, Ajay T, Undated
Letter to N V Joshi regarding the reference work services in IISc.
Paranjpe, S A , Undated
Letter to N V Joshi regarding the problem of digitizer.
Rao, J Subba, Undated
Letter to N V Joshi regarding giving a seminar the next time he is in Delhi.
Recommendation Letters, Undated
Recommendation Letters from N V Joshi to H S Arathi and R Sukumar.
Research Reprint Requests (Undated), Undated
Request for reprints from T M Van Der Haue, Daniel Cherix, Warwick Estevam Kerr, Margit Enders, Laurence Morel, Keller Laurent, Eckat Scholz, David Quelter, Crozier, Leticia Aviles, K Bhatia.
Sirajuddin, S. M., Undated
Letter to N V Joshi regarding the People of India project data and its analysis.
Subramanian, V., Undated
Letter to N V Joshi regarding an ENVIS centre in biogeochemistry.
Suresh, Undated
Letter to Joshi requesting for a recommendation letter for the University of Georgia.
Venugopal, M.S., Undated
A Note enclosed along with two reviews of 'Ramachandran- A Biography of Gopalsamudram Narayana Ramachandran, the famous Indian Biophysicist' and 'Ecostructuring: Implications for Sustainable Development' sent for proofreading.
Series 2: Research and Administration
Sub-Series 1: N V Joshi's Research Publications
Research Publications -- 1978, 20 December 1978
Contains reprint of an article titled "Theoretical Studies on Beta-Lactam Antibiotics" by N V Joshi, R Virudachalam, and V S R Rao in Current Science, Volume 47, Issue 24.
Research Publications -- 1979, December 1979
Contains reprint of an article titled "Flexibility of the Pyranose Ring in Alpha- and Beta-D-Glucoses" by N V Joshi and V S R Rao in Biopolymers, Volume 18.
Research Publications -- 1981, 20 September 1981
Contains reprint of an article titled "Measurement of the Ratio of the Number of X Chromosomes to Sets of Autosomes in Drosophila melanogaster" by Raghavendra Gadagkar, V Nanjundiah, N V Joshi, and H Sharat Chandra in Current Science, Volume 50, Issue 18.
Series 1: Correspondence
Research Publications -- 1982, bulk: June 1982, August 1982, September 1982, November 1982
Research Publications -- 1983, bulk: January/March 1983, February 1983, 7 September 1983, December 1983
Research Publications -- 1984, 1984
Contains reprints of the following articles: i. "Social Organisation in the Indian Wasp Ropalidia cyathiformis (Fab.) (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)" by Raghavendra Gadagkar and N V Joshi in Zeitschrift fur Tierpsychologie Volume 64, Issue 1. ii. "A Four-Variable Model for the Pattern-Forming Mechanism in Hydra" by Somdatta Sinha, N V Joshi, J Subba Rao, and Sivatosh Mookerjee in Biosystems, Volume 17.
Research Publications -- 1985, bulk: July 1985, December 1985
Contains reprints of the following articles: i. "Evolution of Sex Ratios in Social Hymenoptera: Kin Selection, Local Mate Competition, Polyandry and Kin Recognition" by N V Joshi and Raghavendra Gadagkar in Journal of Genetics, Volume 64, Issue 1. ii. "On the Communication of Well-Being" by Madhav Gadgil, Malati Hegde, N V Joshi, and Sulochana Gadgil in Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Animal Sciences, Volume 94, Issue 6.
Research Publications -- 1986, bulk: August 1986, September-October 1986
Contains reprint of an article titled "Evolution of Sex Ratios in Social Hymenoptera: Consequences of Finite Brood Size" by N V Joshi in Journal of Genetics, Volume 65, Issue 1 & 2. Also contains reprint of a book review by N V Joshi in Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, Volume 66.
Research Publications -- 1987, bulk: April 1987, Nov-Dec 1987
Contains reprint of the following: i. An article titled "Evolution of Cooperation by Reciprocation within Structured Demes" by N V Joshi in Journal of Genetics, Volume 66, Issue 1. ii. A book review by N V Joshi in Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, Volume 67 iii. A book chapter titled "Testing Sex Ratio Theory within Social Insects" by N V Joshi in the book "Chemistry and Biology of Social Insects" edited by Jorg Eder and H Rembold.
Research Publications -- 1988, November 1988, December 1988
Contains reprints of the following articles: i. "Growth in the Asian Elephant" by R Sukumar, N V Joshi, and V Krishnamurthy in Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Animal Sciences, Volume 97, Issue 6. ii. "Evolution of Polyandry by Reduction in Progeny Number Variance in Structured Populations" by N V Joshi in Journal of Genetics, Volume 67, Issue 3.
Research Publications -- 1990, December 1990
Contains reprints of the following articles: i. "Changes in the Bird Fauna of Uttara Kannada, India in Relation to Changes in Land Use over the Past Century" by R J Ranjit Daniels, N V Joshi, and Madhav Gadgil in Biological Conservation, Volume 52 ii. "Transposable Element-Mediated Evolution of Sex: A Population Genetic Model" by N V Joshi in Journal of Genetics, Volume 69, Issue 3.
Research Publications -- 1991, bulk: August 1991, December 1991
Contains reprints of the following articles: i. "Evolution of Polyembryony: Consequences to the Fitness of Mother and Offspring" by K N Ganeshaiah, R Uma Shankar, and N V Joshi in Journal of Genetics, Volume 70, Issue 2. ii. "Assigning Conservation Value: A Case Study from India" by R J Ranjit Daniels, Malati Hegde, N V Joshi, and Madhav Gadgil in Conservation Biology, Volume 5, Issue 4.
Research Publications -- 1992, bulk: 10 May 1992, June 15 1992, December 1992
Research Publications -- 1993, bulk: 10 January 1993, 25 May 1993, September-October 1993, November-December 1993, December 1993
Research Publications -- 1995, bulk: 10 February 1995, April and August 1995, November 1995
Research Publications -- 1996, June 1996
Contains reprint of an article titled "Correlated of the Desired Family Size among Indian Communities" by N V Joshi, Madhav Gadgil, and Suresh Patil in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume 93.
Research Publications -- 1997, 25 July 1997
Research Publications -- 1998, bulk: August & December 1998
Contains reprints of the following: i. A software review titled "Of Fine Pedigree" by N V Joshi in Journal of Genetics, Volume 77, Issue 2 & 3. ii. A book chapter titled "Peopling of India" by Madhav Gadgil, N V Joshi, S Manoharan, Suresh Patil, and U V Shambu Prasad in the book "The Indian Human Heritage" edited by D Balasubramanian and N Appaji Rao.
Research Publications -- 2000, April 2000
Contains reprint of an article titled "Conditions for the Trivers-Willard Hypothesis to be Valid: A Minimal Population-Genetic Model" by N V Joshi in Journal of Genetics, Volume 79, Issue 1.