Krishnaja A P Papers
Identifier: MS-028
A Cytogenetic Study on the Gambusia affinis Population from India
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-2-1-2-42
Abstract of "Toxic effects of certain heavy metals (Hg, Cd, Pb, As and Se) on the intertidal crab Scylla serrata"
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-2-2-3-23
Found in:
Archives at NCBS
Krishnaja A P Papers
Series 2: Research
Sub-Series 2: Scientific Research, Writing, and Administration (Contains Laboratory notes and data, recommendation letters for students etc.)
Abstract of "Toxic effects of certain heavy metals (Hg, Cd, Pb, As and Se) on the intertidal crab Scylla serrata", 1986
Adler, Ilse-Dore
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-1-1-21
Alegiani, Grafin
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-1-1-25
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-1-1-30
Application letters from Krishnaja to others
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-1-1-17
Application to CSIR scientists pool
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-1-1-56
BARC Newsletter
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-3-1-4-17
Baseline Frequencies of Spontaneous Chromosome Aberrations, Sister Chromatid Exchanges and Micronuclei in Human Newborns
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-2-1-2-44
Bhattacharjee, S. B.
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-1-1-32
Bose, A. K.
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-1-1-47
Celebrating Paul Ehrlich's 150th birthday. Nurnberg, Germany -- Conference Papers
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-2-3-3-43
Chambers, James
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-1-1-12
Collection of Recipes
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-3-1-4-15
Competition Success Review
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-3-1-4-16
Copeia: Genetics, Development, Morphology
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-1-1-8
Corbet, J G, Albertsma, Jaap
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-1-1-61
Cronin, L. Eugene
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-1-1-28
CV/Biography of scientists
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-3-1-4-20
Found in:
Archives at NCBS
Krishnaja A P Papers
Series 3: Personal and Hobbies
Sub-Series 1: Hobbies and Ephemera (Includes greeting cards, congratulatory messages, postcards, Notes/plans/horoscope/printouts of articles or email attachments)
CV/Biography of scientists, bulk: December 16 2005, October 15 2007
Cytogenetic studies on two species of genus Labeo and their fertile hybrid
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-2-1-2-37
Datta, A K
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-1-1-14
Davies, Kay E
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-2-1-67
Densitometer trace of the serum protein and muscle electophoretic patterns
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-2-2-3-28
Found in:
Archives at NCBS
Krishnaja A P Papers
Series 2: Research
Sub-Series 2: Scientific Research, Writing, and Administration (Contains Laboratory notes and data, recommendation letters for students etc.)
Densitometer trace of the serum protein and muscle electophoretic patterns, Undated
Draft of the pre-published manuscript of "Cytogenetic studies on two species of genus Labeo and their fertile hybrid"
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-2-2-3-9
Found in:
Archives at NCBS
Krishnaja A P Papers
Series 2: Research
Sub-Series 2: Scientific Research, Writing, and Administration (Contains Laboratory notes and data, recommendation letters for students etc.)
Draft of the pre-published manuscript of "Cytogenetic studies on two species of genus Labeo and their fertile hybrid", ca. 1975
Draft of the pre-published manuscript of "Haemoglobin heterogeneity in two species of the Indian carp and their fertile hybrids", sent for publication
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-2-2-3-11
Found in:
Archives at NCBS
Krishnaja A P Papers
Series 2: Research
Sub-Series 2: Scientific Research, Writing, and Administration (Contains Laboratory notes and data, recommendation letters for students etc.)
Draft of the pre-published manuscript of "Haemoglobin heterogeneity in two species of the Indian carp and their fertile hybrids", sent for publication, June 11 1976
Edwards, Alan A.
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-2-2-4
Electrophoresis transfer membranes labelled Telapia and Clarius
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-2-2-3-15
Elsevier Applied Science Publishers Ltd.
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-2-1-68
Environmental Mutagen Society of India newsletter
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-2-1-2-51
Evans, H. John
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-1-1-16
Figure from "A Cytogenetic Study on the Gambusia affinis Population"
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-2-2-3-21
Found in:
Archives at NCBS
Krishnaja A P Papers
Series 2: Research
Sub-Series 2: Scientific Research, Writing, and Administration (Contains Laboratory notes and data, recommendation letters for students etc.)
Figure from "A Cytogenetic Study on the Gambusia affinis Population", 7 January 1981
Figure from "Cytogenetic studies on two species of genus Labeo and their fertile hybrid"
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-2-2-3-12
Found in:
Archives at NCBS
Krishnaja A P Papers
Series 2: Research
Sub-Series 2: Scientific Research, Writing, and Administration (Contains Laboratory notes and data, recommendation letters for students etc.)
Figure from "Cytogenetic studies on two species of genus Labeo and their fertile hybrid", January 1976
Figure from "Induction of chromosomal aberrations in fish Boleophthalmus dussumieri after exposure in vivo to mitomycin C and heavy metals mercury, selenium and chromium"
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-2-2-3-16
Found in:
Archives at NCBS
Krishnaja A P Papers
Series 2: Research
Sub-Series 2: Scientific Research, Writing, and Administration (Contains Laboratory notes and data, recommendation letters for students etc.)
Figure from "Induction of chromosomal aberrations in fish Boleophthalmus dussumieri after exposure in vivo to mitomycin C and heavy metals mercury, selenium and chromium", 15 July 1979
Figures from "Genetic Studies on Two Species of the Indian Carp Labeo & their Fertile F1 & F2 Hybrids"
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-2-2-3-10
Found in:
Archives at NCBS
Krishnaja A P Papers
Series 2: Research
Sub-Series 2: Scientific Research, Writing, and Administration (Contains Laboratory notes and data, recommendation letters for students etc.)
Figures from "Genetic Studies on Two Species of the Indian Carp Labeo & their Fertile F1 & F2 Hybrids", 7 January 1976 March 1979
Figures from Haemoglobin heterogeneity in two species of the Indian carp and their fertile hybrids
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-2-2-3-7
Found in:
Archives at NCBS
Krishnaja A P Papers
Series 2: Research
Sub-Series 2: Scientific Research, Writing, and Administration (Contains Laboratory notes and data, recommendation letters for students etc.)
Figures from Haemoglobin heterogeneity in two species of the Indian carp and their fertile hybrids, January 5 1975
Figures from "Some observations on the chromosomes of certain teleosts using a simple method"
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-2-2-3-19
Found in:
Archives at NCBS
Krishnaja A P Papers
Series 2: Research
Sub-Series 2: Scientific Research, Writing, and Administration (Contains Laboratory notes and data, recommendation letters for students etc.)
Figures from "Some observations on the chromosomes of certain teleosts using a simple method", 3 March 1980
Fish as a cytogenetic model
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-2-2-3-20
Fish as an in-vivo cytogenetic model in the detection of potential mutagens
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-2-2-3-30
Found in:
Archives at NCBS
Krishnaja A P Papers
Series 2: Research
Sub-Series 2: Scientific Research, Writing, and Administration (Contains Laboratory notes and data, recommendation letters for students etc.)
Fish as an in-vivo cytogenetic model in the detection of potential mutagens, Undated
FISH Protocols
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-2-2-3-24
Garfield, E
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-2-2-5
Gebhart, E
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-1-1-44
Genetic Studies on Two Species of the Indian Carp Labeo & their Fertile F1 & F2 Hybrids
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-2-1-2-39
Genotoxicity assessment in marine environments
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-2-2-3-31
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-2-2-6
Gupta, A. K.
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-1-1-35
Haemoglobin heterogeneity in two species of the Indian carp and their fertile hybrids
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-2-1-2-38
Heath, G W
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-1-1-62
Heterogeneity in chemical mutagen-induced chromosome damage after G2 phase exposure to bleomycin, ara-C and gentian violet in cultured lymphocytes of Beta-thalassaemia traits
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-2-1-2-47
Heterogeneity of Chromosome Damage in β-thalassaemia Traits. An Evaluation of Spontaneous and γ-ray-induced Micronuclei and Chromosome Aberrations in Lymphocytes in Vitro after G0 and G2 Phase Irradiation
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-2-1-2-46
Found in:
Archives at NCBS
Krishnaja A P Papers
Series 2: Research
Sub-Series 1: Research Publications
Heterogeneity of Chromosome Damage in β-thalassaemia Traits. An Evaluation of Spontaneous and γ-ray-induced Micronuclei and Chromosome Aberrations in Lymphocytes in Vitro after G0 and G2 Phase Irradiation, 1994
Howell, W. Mike
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-1-1-13
HUman MicroNucleus Project: International database comparison for results with the cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay in human lymphocytes: I. Effect of laboratory protocol, scoring criteria, and host factors on the frequency of micronuclei
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-2-1-2-52
Found in:
Archives at NCBS
Krishnaja A P Papers
Series 2: Research
Sub-Series 1: Research Publications
HUman MicroNucleus Project: International database comparison for results with the cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay in human lymphocytes: I. Effect of laboratory protocol, scoring criteria, and host factors on the frequency of micronuclei, 2001
HUMN Project Laboratory Information form
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-2-2-3-27
Images of electophoresis conducted towards the genetic studies and haemoglobin heterogeneity of members of the Labeo genus
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-2-2-3-29
Found in:
Archives at NCBS
Krishnaja A P Papers
Series 2: Research
Sub-Series 2: Scientific Research, Writing, and Administration (Contains Laboratory notes and data, recommendation letters for students etc.)
Images of electophoresis conducted towards the genetic studies and haemoglobin heterogeneity of members of the Labeo genus, Undated
In Memoriam drafts and correspondence - P K Sukumaran
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-3-1-4-18
Found in:
Archives at NCBS
Krishnaja A P Papers
Series 3: Personal and Hobbies
Sub-Series 1: Hobbies and Ephemera (Includes greeting cards, congratulatory messages, postcards, Notes/plans/horoscope/printouts of articles or email attachments)
In Memoriam drafts and correspondence - P K Sukumaran, 22 February 1991 - 2 December 1991
Indian Journal of Experimental Biology
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-1-1-6
Induction of chromosomal aberrations in fish Boleophthalmus dussumieri after exposure in vivo to mitomycin C and heavy metals mercury, selenium and chromium
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-2-1-2-41
International Workshop on Laboratory methods in Human Genetics
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-2-3-OS11-68
Joshi, K M
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-1-1-11
karyotypes of Boleophthalmus dussumieri
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-2-2-3-14
Kawachi, Takashi
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-1-1-51
Kayotypes of Labeo genus
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-2-2-3-13
Kihlman, B. A.
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-1-1-15
King, John M
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-1-1-55
Kligerman, A.
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-1-1-42
Knutsen, Turid
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-2-2-8
Kondo, Sohei
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-1-1-53
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-2-1-66
Lomax, Robert
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-2-1-71
Manna, G K
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-1-1-1
Manual - CAS training programme 1998
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-2-3-3-40
Matsushima, Taijiro
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-1-1-50
Mellanby, Kenneth
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-1-1-58
Metaphase spreads 1 - Fish cytogenetics
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-2-2-3-17
Metaphase spreads 2- Fish cytogenetics
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-2-2-3-18
Metaphase spreads of fish chromosomes
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-2-2-3-32
Mitchell, N.T.
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-1-1-29
Modak, S P
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-1-1-57
Mohandas, Lathika
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-1-1-9
Mukherjee, R
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-2-2-2
Nair, N Balakrishnan
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-1-1-59
Natarajan, A. T
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-1-1-24
Newhouse, Elsie
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-1-1-36
Obe, Gunter
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-1-1-45
Offprint Department, Elsevier Applied Science Publishers
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-2-1-69
On the optimisation and application of sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) and cytokinesis blocked micronuclei (CBMN) in human lymphocytes for cytogenetic monitoring
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-2-1-2-48
Onboarding for Institute of Maternal and Child Health
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-1-1-63
Online/magazine articles
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-3-1-4-19
Found in:
Archives at NCBS
Krishnaja A P Papers
Series 3: Personal and Hobbies
Sub-Series 1: Hobbies and Ephemera (Includes greeting cards, congratulatory messages, postcards, Notes/plans/horoscope/printouts of articles or email attachments)
Online/magazine articles, 25 May 1996 - 17 September 2007
Ostle, Bernice
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-2-1-70
Owens, Elizabeth T.
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-1-1-23
Poetry collection
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-3-1-4-21
Precaution to prevent contamination in tissue culture cubicle
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-2-3-3-36
Preston, R. J.
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-1-1-46
Principal, Sreeram Vidyalaya
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-2-2-7
Quinacrine induced dicentrics, rings and marker chromosomes in human peripheral blood lymphocytes in vitro by A P Krishnaja and P S Chauhan
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-2-1-2-49
Raw data (transfer membranes) of electophoresis conducted towards the genetic studies and haemoglobin heterogeneity of members of the Labeo genus
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-2-2-3-8
Found in:
Archives at NCBS
Krishnaja A P Papers
Series 2: Research
Sub-Series 2: Scientific Research, Writing, and Administration (Contains Laboratory notes and data, recommendation letters for students etc.)
Raw data (transfer membranes) of electophoresis conducted towards the genetic studies and haemoglobin heterogeneity of members of the Labeo genus, 1975-76
Recent developments in Cytogenetics
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-2-1-2-50
Rege, M.S.
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-1-1-2
Registrar, University of Bombay
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-1-1-1-31
Repository of Human chromosomal variants and anomalies
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-2-1-2-45
Research proposal draft
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-028-2-2-3-35