Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 13 March 1978 - 11 February 1980
Scope and Contents
Contains correspondence between M S Rege and the editors of the journal- Ashok Sen, B S Jangi, Rajiv Mathur- regarding the submission of the manuscript "Some observations on the chromosomes of certain teleosts using a simple method", by Krishnaja and Rege, its rejection, resubmission and final acceptance to the journal. Contains the manuscript initially submitted along with a galley proof of the paper. Also contains the handwritten draft of Krishnaja's letter to the editor. Also contains correspondence with Rege regarding the publication of "Genetic Studies on Two Species of the Indian Carp Labeo & their Fertile F1 & F2 Hybrids". Contains the final publication, along with a galley proof and the initial manuscript sent for publication. Contains reviewers comments, along with a two drafts of reply letters from Krishnaja to the reviewers.
- Creation: 13 March 1978 - 11 February 1980
- From the Collection: A.P. , Krishnaja (Ayyathan P) (Person)
- From the Collection: T., Anjana (Processing Archivist, Person)
- From the Collection: Aradhya, Dhatri S (Processing Archivist, Person)
Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open for access unless mentioned in specific folders
From the Collection: 2 Linear Feet (4 Hollinger style archive-boxes + 2 oversize items)
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Archives at NCBS Repository
National Centre for Biological Sciences - Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Bangalore Karnataka 560065 India
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