Box MS-049 Box 5
Contains 25 Results:
Series 1: Projects
Sub-Series 8: Writings by Anil Sadgopal
Common School System and the Future of India, May 2008
Published in Janata Vol. 63 No. 16.
Background Material for Judicial Colloquium on Right to Education, February 2009
Multiple articles by Anil Sadgopal.
On Right to Education, 2009-2011
i) Education Policy and RTE Bill: A Historical Betrayal in Combat Law, ii) Neoliberal Act in Frontline
Neo-liberal Assault on Higher Education, July 2017
Compiled and Edited by Anil Sadgopal, published by the All India Forum for Right to Education (AIFRTE)
Jan Andolan Mein Vigyaan ki Moolika, undated
Written by Anil Sadgopal
Shiksha, Samajik Nyay aur Desh ki Aazadi ka Sawaal., undated
Published by Samajwadi Jan Parishad, Madhya Pradesh.
Donation of Reports, Documents, undated
The catalogue of donated material by Anil sadgopal
Series 2: Curated Projects
Sub-Series 1: UNICEF -- Duniya ke bacchon ki stithi
in Hindi
Documents of the UNICEF project, 2004
i) Karyakari Saransh, ii) Dhan ke pravaah me kami, iii) press saransh, iv) pragati ke saath kadam.
Sub-Series 2: Financing Education in India and its Political Economy
National Seminar on Financing of Higher Education, 1994
Souvenir from the Seminar organised by Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad.
Research References -- Jandhyala B G Tilak and Tapas Majumdar, 1995-2005
i) State of India's children in elementary schools -- in The Hindu, ii) A Study on Financing of Education in India with a focus on Elementary Education presented in the Ministerial Level Meeting of South Asia EFA Forum in Islamabad, iii) Learning, the elementary way, iv) Extract from a Working Paper by Tapas Majumdar on the Report of the Expert Group on Financial Requirements for Making Elementary Education a Fundamental Right (1999).
HAQ: Centre for Child Rights, 2006
Political Economy of Child Rights and Child Budget Analysis -- for Panel Discussion -- India Social Forum --private circulation.
Sub-Series 3: P M Bhargava's Petition in Supreme Court
Petition in Supreme Court, July 2001
P M Bhargava's petition in the Supreme Court against UGC for starting and funding 'un-scientific' courses like Vedic Astrology and Jyotir Vigyan.
Sub-Series 4:Scientific Terminology in Indian Languages
The Hindi Scientific Glossary -- Chemistry, 1930
compiled by Prof Phuldeo Sahai Verma
Words of general use in the Legislative Assemblies rendered into Hindi, November 1947 - February 1948
Series 1 and Series 2 by G S Gupta
Glossary to the Draft Constitution of India, September 1948
by Raghu Vira
List of Technical Terms in Hindi, 1958
General Administration (Designations) -- Ministry of Education, Government of India.
Consolidated Glossary of Administrative Terms, 1968
Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology, Ministry of Education, Government of India.
Bharatiya Vidhaan me prayukth Paribhashik shabdon ki Angrezi-Bharatiya Soochi, undated
From various newspapers