Box MS-049 Box 2
Contains 15 Results:
Series 1: Projects
Sub-Series 2: Central Advisory Board of Education: Records of Minutes of Meetings and Written Submissions for Review
Reports of the CABE Committees - Part 1, June 2005
i) Universalisation of Secondary Education, ii) Free and Compulsory Education Bill and other issues related to Elementary Education, iii)Additional Background Papers CABE Committee on "Free and Compulsory Education Bill and Other issues related to elementary education".
Reports of the CABE Committees - Part 2, 2005
iii)Additional Background Papers CABE Committee on "Free and Compulsory Education Bill and Other issues related to elementary education".
CABE meeting -- New Delhi, 2005
Minutes of CABE -- 7 June 2005
CABE Verbatim Records, 2006
Verbatim Records of the 54th meeting
Education of Women and Girls, undated
On NPE and Womens Education
Convergence of COPE and Computerisation of Educational Statistics, undated
Adult Education -- Agenda Note, undated
Conference of State Education Secretaries and Directors of Education.
Universalisation of Elementary Education (UEE) --- VIII Five Year Plan, undated
i) Strategies for universalisation of elementary education during VIII Five Year Plan, ii) Scheme of Voluntary School.
Vocationalisation of Secondary Education, undated
Scheme for Upgradation of Merit of SC/ST students, undated
Sub-Series 3: World Bank's Assault on India's Educational Policy, 1990 onwards
World Bank's Assault (Neoliberalism) on India's Education through District Primary Education Programme(DPEP), EFA and other interventions.
Ministry of Human Resource Development publications, 1993-2003
i) The Indian Scene: Widening Horizons, ii) National Plan of Action - India, iii) DPEP moves on.
District primary education programme baseline beneficiary studies, August 1994
i) training needs and motivation of primary school teachers, ii) Learning Achievement of Primary School Children in Reading and Mathematics. Synthesis Reports -- presented in National Seminar on DPEP studies organized by National Council of Educational Research and Training.