Box MS-033 Box 1
Contains 59 Results:
Carl D’Silva Papers
Series 1: Art
Sub-Series 1: Proofs of art
Potential Problem Birds at Indian Aerodomes, 1984
Informational booklet by Robert B Grubh, Salim Ali, Illustrations by Carl D'Silva, Potential Problem Birds at Indian Aerodomes, Bombay Natural History Society, sponsored by Aeronautics R&D Board Ministry of Defense, India, 1984.
Tinkle, No. 73, 20 December 1984
Folder contains a copy of the Amar Chitra Katha fortnightly magazine for children, Tinkle (No. 73) which features illustrations by Carl D'Silva for a comic titled 'Cacti' by Vaijayanti Wagle.
Nature Notes, Sunday Mid-Day (1985), 23 June 1985, 30 June 1985
Consists of articles by JS Serrao in the feature Nature notes, with illustration by D'Silva - such as 'The fearsome fungus'; 'The Banyan - Hospitable, yet hostile.'
Bird-watching with Salim Ali, Indian Express (1985), 17 August 1985, 14 September 1985
Consists of media clippings of the column 'Bird-watching with Salim Ali', with references to Floricans, magpie-robins and the Brahminy Kite illustrated by D'Silva.
Pages from a naturalists' diary, Afternoon Despatch & Courier (1985-86), 1985 - 1986
Consists of a series of articles by Sunjoy Monga in the feature series 'Pages from a Naturalist's Diary', touching on the dipper, the monal pheasant, butterfly life cycles, woodpeckers, vultures, bats, the cattle egret, the hangul, spiders, cockroaches, kingfishers, the Great Indian Hornbill, and owls with accompanying illustrations and photographs by D'Silva.
Untitled -- Proof of prints of artwork for Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS), 1985 - 1987
Contains 14 loose sheets with prints of illustrations that appeared in publications, mainly the Hornbill and the Journal of BNHS and a newspaper clipping from the Indian Post on the Centenary Supplement of the journal of BNHS, the cover designed by Carl D'Silva. Plates including painting of Common Emerald Dove, painting of Narcondam Hornbill
Lesser florican habitat in Sailana, July 1986
Watercolour painting of Lesser Florican habitat in Sailana, Madhya Pradesh
Indian Adventures Advert, Times of India (1987), 1 May 1987
Consists of an advertisement for Indian Adventures Wild Life Resorts with an illustration by D'Silva.
Birds, India, Scatter, 21 July 1998
A4 prints of 140 galley prints of bird plates most possibly prepared for Birds of the Indian Subcontinent. Also included is a note that says '88 missing'.
Mermaid of the Indian Ocean, The Indian Post (1989), 22 January 1989
Consists of an article on the dugong by Raju Kane in the Endangered Species feature, with a drawing of the dugong most likely by D'Silva.
Conservation on Canvas, ca. 1998
Draft brochure (printed) for exhibition, draft brochure (handwritten) for exhibition, draft invitation for exhibition. Also includes biography and notes taken for the exhibition.
Feathers 'n' Fur, 25 August 2013 - 30 August 2013
Poster for an exhibition by D' Silva at Gallery Gitanjali, Panjim
Our endangered bustards, World Wildlife Fund Newsletter No. 53, Undated
Article by Asad Rahmani on bustards with illustration of Bengal Floricans by Carl D'Silva.
Untitled -- Bird paintings 2/2, Undated
Painting of a Common Emerald Dove and an Indian Black-hooded Oriole
Untitled -- Photograph of a painting of a Heron, Undated
Photograph of Carl D'Silva's painting of a heron.
Untitled -- Postcards designed by Carl D'Silva, Undated
3 Postcards with paintings of Black-Crested Bulbul, Black-hooded Oriole, and Small Blue Kingfisher illustrated by Carl D'Silva
Sub-Series 2: Preparatory drawings and sketches
Barbets, Undated
Preparatory bird drawings and classification made by Carl D'Silva for most possibly a Helm publication
Bulbuls - P. cafer et al, Undated
Preparatory bird drawings and classification made by Carl D'Silva for most possibly a Helm publication
Bulbuls and Hypocolius, Undated
Preparatory bird drawings and classification made by Carl D'Silva for most possibly a Helm publication
CEE tracings -- Tracings for Centre for Environmental Education, Undated
Various cut-out drawings on tracing paper prepared most likely for a project with the Centre for Environmental Education
Cranes, Undated
Preparatory bird drawings and classification made by Carl D'Silva for most possibly a Helm publication
Crows #68 (1/2), Undated
Preparatory bird drawings and classification made by Carl D'Silva for most possibly a Helm publication
Crows (2/2), Undated
Preparatory bird drawings and classification made by Carl D'Silva for most possibly a Helm publication
Coucals (1/2), Undated
Preparatory bird drawings and classification made by Carl D'Silva for most possibly a Helm publication
Coucals (2/2), Undated
Preparatory bird drawings and classification made by Carl D'Silva for most possibly a Helm publication
Cuckoos, Undated
Preparatory bird drawings and classification made by Carl D'Silva for most possibly a Helm publication
Drongos, Undated
Preparatory bird drawings and classification made by Carl D'Silva for most possibly a Helm publication
Flowerpeckers and Sunbirds #108, Undated
Preparatory bird drawings and classification made by Carl D'Silva for most possibly a Helm publication
Green and Flameback - Revised #12, Undated
Preparatory bird drawings and classification made by Carl D'Silva for most possibly a Helm publication
Green and Yellow Woodpeckers, Undated
Preparatory bird drawings and classification made by Carl D'Silva for most possibly a Helm publication
Grey/Pied Hornbills, Undated
Preparatory bird drawings and classification made by Carl D'Silva for most possibly a Helm publication
Grey/Pied Hornbills - Revised, Undated
Preparatory bird drawings and classification made by Carl D'Silva for most possibly a Helm publication
Hoopoes. Trogons, Rollers and Bee-eaters, Undated
Preparatory bird drawings and classification made by Carl D'Silva for most possibly a Helm publication
Ioras etc, Dippers - Plate 68, Undated
Preparatory bird drawings and classification made by Carl D'Silva for most possibly a Helm publication
Jays, Magpies, Treepies, Undated
Preparatory bird drawings and classification made by Carl D'Silva for most possibly a Helm publication
Kingfishers, Undated
Preparatory bird drawings and classification made by Carl D'Silva for most possibly a Helm publication
Large Hornbills, Undated
Preparatory bird drawings and classification made by Carl D'Silva for most possibly a Helm publication
Minivets and Rhipidura - Pl. #66, Undated
Preparatory bird drawings and classification made by Carl D'Silva for most possibly a Helm publication
Orioles, Woodswallow, Cuckooshrikes #65, Undated
Preparatory bird drawings and classification made by Carl D'Silva for most possibly a Helm publication
Parrots, Undated
Preparatory bird drawings and classification made by Carl D'Silva for most possibly a Helm publication
Pittas - Leafbird #65, Undated
Preparatory bird drawings and classification made by Carl D'Silva for most possibly a helm publication
Shrikes - Plate 62, Undated
Preparatory bird drawings and classification made by Carl D'Silva for most possibly a helm publication
Sooty Falcon, Undated
Preparatory bird drawings and classification made by Carl D'Silva for most possibly a Helm publication
Storks, Herons, Cranes, EA Guide -- Preparatory drawings (1/2), 1 February 2007
Cut-outs of various unnamed birds resembling storks, herons, and cranes prepared for the publication 'Birds of East-Asia'
Sunbirds and Spiderhunters #109, Undated
Preparatory bird drawings and classification made by Carl D'Silva for most possibly a helm publication
Woodpeckers - Re-revised - Plate #10, Undated
Preparatory bird drawings and classification made by Carl D'Silva for most possibly a helm publication
Woodpeckers - Helm #10, Undated
Preparatory bird drawings and classification made by Carl D'Silva for most possibly a helm publication
Untitled -- Anseriformes, Undated
Cut-outs of unnamed birds resembling ducks
Untitled -- Birds in flight, Undated
Cut-out drawings of unnamed birds in flight
Untitled -- Bucerotiformes 1/2, Undated
Cut-out drawings of unnamed birds resembling hornbills
Untitled -- Charadriiformes, Undated
Cut-outs of unnamed birds resembling plovers, curlews, lapwings, and sandpiper.
Untitled -- Coraciiformes, Undated
Cut-out drawings of unnamed birds resembling bee-eaters and kingfishers
Untitled -- Cuculiformes, Undated
Cut-out drawings of unnamed birds resembling coucals
Untitled -- Falconiformes, Undated
Cut-out drawings of unnamed birds resembling Kestrels
Untitled -- Galliformes 1/2, Undated
Cut-out drawings of unnamed birds resembling quails, grouse, peacocks and jungefowls