Box MS-019 Box 6
Contains 36 Results:
Photos: Andaman and Nicobar islands, ship, 1994-1996
Andaman and Nicobar Islands, scenes surrounding a ship carrying local goods
Slides: Andaman and Nicobar islands, 1994-1996
Andaman and Nicobar islands
Negatives: Andaman and Nicobar islands, 1994-1996
Negatives of images of frogs, lizards, crabs, plants, markets and other scenes from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
Series 4: Media clippings about RJ Ranjit Daniels
"A Bird's Eye View of Our Habitat", 1989-06-08
Article in the Times of India's Times City supplement on birds as an indicator of change in environment, mentioning Daniels
"Endemic birds leaving Western Ghats", 1990-03-11
Article highlighting report by Daniels and collaborators at Centre for Ecological Sciences, IISc, on how converting natural forests to plantations has affected endemic birds
"3-lakh plan to restore bird sanctuary", 1991-08-19
Article in the Deccan Herald on plans for Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary to be restored after floods, mentioning Daniels
Series 2: Correspondence
Terborgh, Jon, 1989-02-08
Letter containing invitation to join Terborgh's group at Duke University (to where Terborgh was moving), to work on studying the consequences of habitat modification on avian diversity and community structure.
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, 1989-03-31
Letter concerning selection for short-term fellowship at STRI's field station at Barro Colorado Island to study landscape heterogeneity.
Terborgh, Jon, 1989-05-31
Letter with congratulations on STRI fellowship and invitation to Peru
Oxford University Press, 1990-12-04 to 1998-01-07
Letters to Daniels expressing interest in a potential bird field guide and discussion of its contents, feedback on manuscript drafts, particulars of illustration, maps, production, sales, costs, development of the title, a draft memorandum of agreement leading up to the publishing of "A Field Guide to the Birds of Southwestern India". Includes letters discussing the book's production, change in personnal at OUP, and delayed production.
Bock, Walter, 1992-01-27
Letter with pleasantries and expression of interest in developing a future International Ornithological Congress in India.
XXI International Ornithological Congress, 1992-04-20 to 1994-06-06
Letters to Ranjit Daniels about invitation to present a plenary lecture at the IOC, letters of congratulation and support, feedback on lecture draft, financial support for travel, and a copy of a letter from Ranjit Daniels enquiring about the status of financial support. Includes a letter of congratulation from Walter Bock as well as a draft document for preparing an invitation when hosting an IOC.
Ehrlich, Paul, 1995-03-02
Letter with pleasantries and thanks for sharing of books on Indian birds, and offer to arrange work at Stanford's Center for Conservation Biology.
Ehrlich, Anne, 1995-03-15
Letter with pleasantries and thanks for sharing of books on Indian birds.
Deuti, Kaushik, 1996-04-16
Regarding of sharing of research papers about amphibians of Andaman and Nicobar Islands
World Resources Institute, 1998-02-25
Letter seeking suggestions for new Director for their Biological Resources Program.
Madsen, Stig Toft, 1998-04-18
Print of email with pleasantries, feedback on the book "A Field Guide to the Birds of Southwestern India", conversation about bird-watching in Bannerghatta and plans to visit Kabini, Bandipur and the western coast, and an enquiry about contact details of Zafar Futehally.
Indian Academy of Sciences, 1999-03-17
Letter seeking more candidate details from MSSRF as a follow-up to Swaminathan's nominating of Ranjit Daniels for fellowship of the academy.
Rahmani, Asad R, 1999-05-05
Print of email with feedback on the book "A Field Guide to the Birds of Southwestern India", request for copy of CBD (Convention on Biological Diversity) National report, and a mention of Ranjit Daniel's book draft on Salim Ali.
Series 3: Photographs, slides, negatives
Sub-Series 1: Uttara Kannada
Photos: Achme-Motigudda, bulk: 1986
Landscapes in Achme-Motigudda, Uttara Kannada district
Photos: Hulathevara Godlu (Aghanashini), bulk: 1986
Landscapes in Hulathevara Godlu in Aghanashini, Uttara Kannada district
Photos: Methini Ghat, bulk: 1986
Landscapes in Methini Ghat, Uttara Kannada district
Photos: Yellapur-Kirvatti, bulk: 1986
Landscapes in Yellapur-Kirvatti, Uttara Kannada district
Photos: Uttara Kannada - Satellite images, 1986-09-03 to 1986-12-02
Satellite images of Uttara Kannada, north and south
Photos: Uttara Kannada - habitats, 1986-1988
Landscapes in Uttara Kannada district and miscellanous photographs
Photos: Uttara Kannada - people, 1986-1988
People, communities, festivals in Uttara Kannada district
Slides: Uttara Kannada - habitats and general, 1986-1988
Landscapes in Uttara Kannada district, life in the district, and miscellanous images
Slides: Uttara Kannada - people, 1986-1988
People, communities, festivals in Uttara Kannada district
Slides: Uttara Kannada - wetlands, 1986-1988
Landscapes, habitat in Uttara Kannada district
Sub-Series 2: Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Photos: Andaman and Nicobar islands - Folder 1, 1994-1996
Andaman and Nicobar islands - plants, landscapes, general - most photos are from the eastern coast of Great Nicobar Island. Photos of elephants lifting logs, markets and some shots of transit ship are from the Andaman Islands.
Photos: Andaman and Nicobar islands - Folder 2, 1994-1996
Andaman and Nicobar islands, primarily the eastern coast of Great Nicobar Island