Box MS-027 Box 28
Contains 37 Results:
Plaint submitted by State of Madhya Pradesh under the Inter-State Water Disputes Act,1956, 9 March 1999
The suit is being instituted by state of Madhya Pradesh in view of the water disputes that have arisen between the state of Madhya Pradesh on the one hand and the Government of India, State of Gujarat, State of Maharashtra, and State of Rajasthan on the other
Interim Application No. 4/1999 in Original Suit No. 1/1999, 14 July 1999
Affidavit in reply on behalf of the plaintiff to the application filed by the Union of India for rejection of Plaint.
Application for rejection of plaint by Maharashtra, 20 July 1999
Application praying for rejection of plaint under Order XXIII rules 6 of the Supreme Court of India rules 1966.
Interim Application No. 2/1999 in O.S. No. 1/1999 by Gujarat, 20 September 2001
Response of State of Gujarat defendant No. 2 herein to the subject application for amendment of the plaint filed in the suit
Sub-Series 4: Writ Petition of 2001
Writ Petition of 2001 by oustees who are affected at the height of 90/93 meters., ca 2001
To issue an appropriate writ in the nature of mandamus restraining the respondents from raising any constructions over the spillway section of the Sardar Sarovar Dam which will raise the effective height of dam beyond 90 meters.
Sub-Series 5: Writ Petition of 2002
Writ Petition of 2002 by Shri Radheshyam s/o Somji, a farmer from the Dhar district of Madhya Pradesh., ca 2002
Writ Petition for directing the respondents to stop the illegal land acquisition proceedings, pay compensation for the crops destroyed and effectuate compliance to the stipulation of rehabilitation.
Sub-Series 6: Writ Petition of 2006
Writ Petition of 2006 in the matter of National Council for Civil Liberties., 20 January 2006
To investigate into the routing of foreign funds into the activities of Medha Patkar, Narmada Bachao Andolan and Rahul Banarjee and of its subordinate and supportive organisations that have been referred to in this petition. Attached is also a list of dates and events. MP Government Vigilance Depts Report after Mehendikheda firing is also attached as an annexure.
Sub-Series 7: Writ Petition -128/2006 Upendra Baxi v. Union of India
Writ Petition No. 128/2006 filed by Upendra Baxi against Union of India, 6 January 2007
Writ petition regarding the displacement, rehabilitation an resettlement issues related to the sardarSarovar Dam .
Series 2: Writ Petition 328/2002
Sub-Series 2: Registrar Documents
Filing Index- 2, 22 May 2002
Contains 3 filing index and associated affidavit of service of proof.
From Inder Pal, Assistant Registrar to Prashant Bhushan., 24 May 2002
That no reports of the Grievance Redressal Authorities have been received.
Regarding Writ Petition to be listed before court on 30th May, bulk: 28 May 2002, 29 May 2002
Regarding Prashant Bhushan having filed affidavits after serving the Show cause notices.
Office Orders, bulk: 30 May 2002, 3 June 2002, 5 june 2002, 12 August 2002, 9 September 2002, 3 February 2004, 26 March 2004, 23 July 2004.
Request to file counter petition, from Inder Pal, Assistant Registrar., 30 May 2002
To the States of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, and Rajasthan regarding filing a counter to the writ petition 328/2002 and that it will be listed before Court on 3rd June 2002
From Ramesh Chand, Section officer to Prashant Bhushan., 30 May 2002
Regarding the submitted document being defective.
Filing Index-1, bulk: 30 May 2002,30 May 2002, 30 May 2002, 1 June 2002, 1 June 2002, 1 June 2002, 1 June 2002, 4 June 2002, 4 June 2002, 4 June 2002.
It contains ten filing index documents relating to the petition.
From Ramesh Chand, Section Officer to Naresh Kumar, Advocate, 14 August 2002
Informing that the Writ petition came up for hearing on 12th August 2002 and to file a requisite affidavit within stipulated time.
Office Report regarding S P Kurdukar functioning as GRA., 6 September 2002
Naresh Kumar, Advocate has filed affidavit on behalf of State of Maharashtra
Office Report- list of documents filed in the Application, 20 April 2007
The report contains the list of documents filed in the application which are the affidavits, counter affidavits and rejoinder affidavits, etc.. filed as part of writ petition 328/2002
Sub-Series 3: Correspondence documents
From Prashant Bhushan to the Registrar, 3 June 2002
Regarding the deferral of the hearing of the petition to 5th June 2002.
From Indra Raj, Commissioner (Project), Government of India, Ministry of Water Resources to the Additional Solicitor General India., 7 May 2006
Regarding the written submissions filed by the Narmada Bachao Andolan, Government of Gujarat and Government of Madhya Pradesh. Enclosed is the summary record of discussions of First meeting of the Sardar Sarovar Resettlement and Rehabilitation Oversight Group held on 27-28 April, 2006 and list of participants of the meeting.
Series 3: Resettlement and Rehabilitation Cases and Inter State Water Dispute
Sub-Series 1: SLP 6014/94 against MP HC
Special Leave petition against the impunged order in special civil appeal No. 9366 of 1993., 22 July 1994
Application against the constitution of 5 member review group to settle the issues related to Sardar Sarovar Project. It also includes application for exemption from filing certified copy of impunged order and application for condonation of delay from filing S L P.
Filing memos and registrar notices in Civil Appeal No. 6014 / 1994, bulk: 18 October 1994, 22 October 1994, 24 October 1994, 13 December 1994
Consists of a series of procedural documents attesting to filings on record, proof of service and notes of process fees as well as notifications of listing of matters, office reports, required filings et al from the registrar of the Supreme Court.
From Section Officer, Supreme Court of India to Prashant Bhushan., 15 September 1998
Regarding furnishing immediately the latest and complete address of the respondents in the case.
From Sukumar, Narmada Bachao Andolan, to Priya; from Assistant Registrar to Prashant Bhushan, bulk: 4 November 1998, 9 November 1998
Regarding the complete address of respondent Vasant Gowariker came enclosed with the case file.
A Handwritten note titled 'List of Books Narmada, undated
A note that came assosciated with the case regarding the books on Narmada.
Sub-Series 2: Special Leave Petition 8035/1999
Special Leave Petition no. 8035/1999 in People's Union for Civil Liberties, Delhi and ors versus Electoral Registration Officer Matia Mahal and ors., ca1999
Counter Affidavit on behalf of Respondent no. 3