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Box MS-006 Box 7


Contains 52 Results:

Unbacked Thin Films, November 1, 1952

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 1
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-1
Scope and Contents

Sawyer, G.A, The Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 23, No. 11, pp. 604-606.

Dates: November 1, 1952

Optical Pumping, April 1, 1960

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 2
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-2
Scope and Contents

Zafra de, Robert L, Unknown publication, 646-653

Dates: April 1, 1960

Rubidium Vapour Magnetometers, February 1, 1962

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 3
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-3
Scope and Contents

Parsons, L.W. and Wiatr, Z. M., Journal of Scientific Instruments, pp. 292-299. Also contains clippings of a magazine article on Optical Pumping.

Dates: February 1, 1962

Joule Heating at the Magnetic Equator, circa 1963

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 4
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-4
Scope and Contents

Kato, S., Planet Space Science, Vol. 11, pp. 1297-1302.

Dates: circa 1963

Nuclear Free Precession in Very Low Magnetic Fields, circa 1964

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 5
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-5
Scope and Contents

Thompson, Don D., Brown, Robert J. S. and Bloom, Myer, The Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 40, No. 10.

Dates: circa 1964

A self-oscillating rubidium vapour magnetometer for geomagnetic measurements, September 1, 1964

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 6
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-6
Scope and Contents

Usher, M. J., Stuart, W. F., Hall, S. H., Reprinted from Journal of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 41, pp. 544-547.

Dates: September 1, 1964

Ion Temperature Measurement of a Streaming He Plasma by a Double Probe Method, December 1, 1965

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 7
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-7
Scope and Contents

Kawashima, N., Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 7, No. 12, pp. 324-325.

Dates: December 1, 1965

A counting system for use with the rubidium magnetometer, April 1, 1966

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 8
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-8
Scope and Contents

Ciarrocca, S., Stuart, W. F., Usher, M. J., Reprinted from Journal of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 43, pp. 246-250. Folder contains two copies.

Dates: April 1, 1966

Ion Temperature Measurement in the Ionosphere by K-9M-22 (I), December 1, 1966

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 9
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-9
Scope and Contents

Kawashima, N. and Hirao, K., JAERI-Memo, No. 2551, Japan Atomic Energy Institute.

Dates: December 1, 1966

Recombination coefficient of the upper-E and F1 regions deduced from the electron density profile at sunset measured by rocket borne gyro-plasma probe, May 20, 1905

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 10
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-10
Scope and Contents

Oya, H. and Obayashi, T., Reprinted from the Report of Ionosphere and Space Research in Japan, Vol. 21, Nos. 1/2.

Dates: May 20, 1905

Rocket Measurements of the Ionospheric Plasma By the Gyro-Plasma Probe, March 1, 1967

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 11
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-11
Scope and Contents

Oya, H. and Obayashi, T., Reprinted from the Report of Ionosphere and Space Research in Japan, Vol. 21, Nos. 1/2.

Dates: March 1, 1967

Preliminary Report on a Practical Method of Analysis of the Daily Geomagnetic Variations, May 20, 1905

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 12
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-12
Scope and Contents

Maeda, H. and Suzuki, A., Special Contributions, Geophysical Institute, Kyoto University, No. 7, pp. 23-27.

Dates: May 20, 1905

Theoretical Prediction on Discrimination of Modified and Hybrid Plasma Resonances, May 21, 1905

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 13
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-13
Scope and Contents

Oya, H., Report of Ionosphere and Space Research in Japan, Vol. 22, No. 1/2.

Dates: May 21, 1905

A Modified Plasma Resonance Observed By a Rocket-borne Gyro-plasma Probe, May 21, 1905

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 14
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-14
Scope and Contents

Ejiri, M., Oya, H., and Obayashi, T., Report of Ionosphere and Space Research in Japan, Vol. 22, No. 3.

Dates: May 21, 1905

The Electrical Nature in Planetary Upper Atmosphere, May 21, 1905

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 15
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-15
Scope and Contents

Oyashi, T., Reprinted from Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 291-270.

Dates: May 21, 1905

A Simple Model of the Equatorial Electrojet, May 21, 1905

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 16
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-16
Scope and Contents

Suzuki, M., Maeda, H., Reprinted from the Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, Vol. 20, No. 1.

Dates: May 21, 1905

Spectral Profile of RF Modulated Light Beam in Optical Pumping Experiment With Cesium Vapour, June 1, 1968

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 17
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-17
Scope and Contents

Yabuzaki, T. and Ogawa, T., Proceedings of the International Conference on Optical Pumping and Atomic Line Shape, Warsaw, Poland, pp. 25-28.

Dates: June 1, 1968

Japanese Language Publications, 1961-1971

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 18
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-18
Scope and Contents

Folder contains 5 publications in Japanese, some names are translated. Mentions Tsukada, Yabukazi, Ogawa, Toyama, Aoyama, and Kato. One of the publications is from the Proceedings of the Faculty of Engineering, Tokai University, No. 1.

Dates: 1961-1971

In-situ probes for ionospheric investigations, October 1, 1969

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 19
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-19
Scope and Contents

Sayers, J., Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, Vol. 32, pp. 663-691.

Dates: October 1, 1969

Ionospheric Plasma Disturbances due to a Moving Space Vehicle, November 1, 1969

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 20
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-20
Scope and Contents

Oya, H., Planetary Space Science, Vol. 18, pp. 793-802.

Dates: November 1, 1969

Development of Gyro-plasma Probe, May 22, 1905

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 21
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-21
Scope and Contents

Oya, H., Small Rocket Instrumentation Techniques, North Holland Publication Comp., Amsterdam, pp. 36-44.

Dates: May 22, 1905

Zur Genauigkeit von Totalintensitäts-messungen mit Protonenmagnetometern, May 22, 1905

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 22
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-22
Scope and Contents

Auster, Von V., Grafe, A., Henke, H. and Zander, W., Deutsche Akademie Der Wissenschaften Zu Berlin.

Dates: May 22, 1905

An Improved Type of Electron Temperature Probe, May 23, 1905

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 23
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-23
Scope and Contents

Hirao, K., Oyama, K., Reprinted from the Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 393-401.

Dates: May 23, 1905

Sequence of Diffuse Plasma Resonances Observed on Alouette 2 Ionograms, August 1, 1970

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 24
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-24
Scope and Contents

Oya, H., Reprint from Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 75, No. 22, pp. 4279-4285.

Dates: August 1, 1970

Ionospheric Plasma Measurements by Gyro-plasma Probe, May 24, 1905

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 25
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-25
Scope and Contents

Obayashi, T., Ejiri, M., Space Research XI - Akademie-Verlag, Berlin.

Dates: May 24, 1905

World-Wide Electron Density Changes and Associated Thermospheric Winds During an Ionospheric Storm, May 25, 1905

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 26
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-26
Scope and Contents

Obayashi, T., Planetary Space Science, Vol. 20, pp. 511-520.

Dates: May 25, 1905

Sporadic-E formation by wind shear, comparison between observation and theory, March 1, 1972

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 27
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-27
Scope and Contents

Kato, S., Aso, T., Horiuchi, T., Nakamura, J. and Matsuoka, T., Radio Science, Vol. 7, No.3, pp. 359-362.

Dates: March 1, 1972

A Critical Study on the Reliability of Electron Temperature Measurements with a Langmuir Probe, May 1, 1972

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 28
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-28
Scope and Contents

Hirao, K. and Oyama, K., reprinted from Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 415-427.

Dates: May 1, 1972

Ultraviolet Lasers, May 1, 1972

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 29
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-29
Scope and Contents

Hagen, Wilhelm F., Industrial Research, pp. 48-56.

Dates: May 1, 1972

An Improved Radio-frequency Probe for the Measurement of Electron Densities in the Ionosphere, May 1, 1972

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 30
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-30
Scope and Contents

Bryan, H. W., Wall, J. and Wager J. H., The Radio and Electronic Engineer, Vol. 42, No. 5, pp. 217-224.

Dates: May 1, 1972

Neutral Wind Measurement During Daytime in the Thermosphere, November 1, 1972

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 31
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-31
Scope and Contents

Reprinted from Nature, Vol. 240, No. 5375, pp. 32-33.

Dates: November 1, 1972

Returning Flow of the Equatorial Electrojet Currents, May 26, 1905

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 32
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-32
Scope and Contents

Suzuki, A., Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, Vol. 25, pp. 249-258.

Dates: May 26, 1905

A New Analysis of the Geomagnetic Sq Field, May 26, 1905

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 33
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-33
Scope and Contents

Suzuki, A., Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, Vol. 25, pp. 259-280.

Dates: May 26, 1905

Magnetic Field of a Horizontal Current above a Conducting Earth. Magnetic Field of the Equatorial Electrojet, June 1, 1973

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 34
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-34
Scope and Contents

Park, David, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 78, No. 16, pp. 3040-3041; Park, David, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 77, No. 31, pp. 6278-6279.

Dates: June 1, 1973

Analyses of Techniques for Measuring DC and AC Electric Fields in the Magnetosphere, August 1, 1973

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 35
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-35
Scope and Contents

Mozer, F. S., Space Science Reviews Reprints.

Dates: August 1, 1973

Frequency shifts of self-oscillating magnetometer With cesium vapour, September 1, 1973

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 36
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-36
Scope and Contents

Yabuzaki, T. and Ogawa, T., Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 45, No. 3, pp. 1342-1354.

Dates: September 1, 1973

Proton and Proton Vector Magnetometers, May 26, 1905

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 37
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-37
Scope and Contents

Vuyst, A. P. De, International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, General Assembly, Scientific Session, Commission I, Modern Magnetic Observatory Techniques, Kyoto, 1973.

Dates: May 26, 1905

Electron Temperature Profile and its Solar Activity Dependence in the Middle Latitude Region, December 1, 1973

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 38
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-38
Scope and Contents

Hirao, K. and Oyama, K., Unknown publication, annotation states "f.12. 1973. COSPAR"

Dates: December 1, 1973

Rocket Measurements of the Sq Ionospheric Currents over Kagoshima, Japan, May 1, 1974

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 39
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-39
Scope and Contents

Yabuzaki, T. and Ogawa, T., Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 79, No. 13.

Dates: May 1, 1974

Interaction between a spin-1/2 atom and a strong rf field, December 1, 1974

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 40
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-40
Scope and Contents

Yabuzaki, T., Nakayama, S., Murakami, Y. and Ogawa, T., Physical Review A, Vol. 10, No.6.

Dates: December 1, 1974

Series 4: Research Reference

 Series — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MS-006-4
Content Description From the Collection:

This collection consists of the papers of T.S.G. Sastry, a scientist who made significant contributions to the field of space research in India. Sastry was also one of the earliest PhD students at the Physics Research Laboratory in Ahmedabad, working under Vikram Sarabhai.

Dates: 1937-2006

Sub-Series 1: Reprints of research papers

 Sub-Series — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MS-006-4-1
Content Description From the Collection:

This collection consists of the papers of T.S.G. Sastry, a scientist who made significant contributions to the field of space research in India. Sastry was also one of the earliest PhD students at the Physics Research Laboratory in Ahmedabad, working under Vikram Sarabhai.

Dates: 1937-2006

A Systematic Investigation of Several Phenomena Associated with Contaminated Langmuir Probes, September 1, 1975

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 41
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-41
Scope and Contents

Oyama, Koh-Ichiro, Reprinted from Planetary and Space Science, Vol. 24, No.2, pp.183-190.

Dates: September 1, 1975

Rocket Measurement of Ion and Neural Temperatures in the Lower Ionosphere, July 1, 1975

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 42
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-42
Scope and Contents

Sasaki, S. and Kawashima, N., Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 80, No. 19, pp. 2824-2828.

Dates: July 1, 1975

The Satellite Taiyo: Scientific Objectives and Preliminary Results, May 28, 1905

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 43
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-43
Scope and Contents

Hirao, Kunio, Report of Ionosphere and Space Research in Japan, Vol. 29, pp. 99-104.

Dates: May 28, 1905

A Solar X-Ray Detector aboard "TAIYO", May 28, 1905

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 44
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-44
Scope and Contents

Matsuika, Masaru, Nagai, Fukuo and Okhi, Ken-ichiro, Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, Vol. 27, pp. 271-277.

Dates: May 28, 1905

An Alkali Vapour Magnetometer Using Integrated Circuits, August 1, 1975

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 45
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-45
Scope and Contents

Stanley, J. M., Ludbey, F. C. and Green, R., Space Science Instrumentation 1, pp. 471-492.

Dates: August 1, 1975

A Portable Rubidium Clock for Precision Time Transport, December 1, 1975

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 46
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-46
Scope and Contents

Hellwig, Helmut and Wainwright, A. E., Proceedings of 7th PTTI Planning Meeting, Washington D.C., pp. 143-159.

Dates: December 1, 1975

Application of a glass-sealed Langmuir Probe to ionosphere study, February 1, 1976

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 47
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-47
Scope and Contents

Oyama, K and Hirao, K, Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 101-107.

Dates: February 1, 1976

Magnetometers Using RF-Driven Squids and Their Applications in Rock Magnetism and Paleomagnetism, November 1, 1976

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 48
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-48
Scope and Contents

Goree, W. S. and Fuller, M., Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 492-608.

Dates: November 1, 1976

Remote Sensing of the 'lost' Saravasti River, August 1, 1980

 File — Box: MS-006 Box 7, Folder: 49
Identifier: MS-006-4-1-7-49
Scope and Contents

Pal, Yash, Sahai, Baldev, Sood, R. K., and Agrawal, D. P., Proceedings of Indian Academy of Sciences (Earth Planet Science), Vol. 89, No.3, pp. 317-331.

Dates: August 1, 1980

TSG Sastry Papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MS-006
Content Description

This collection consists of the papers of T.S.G. Sastry, a scientist who made significant contributions to the field of space research in India. Sastry was also one of the earliest PhD students at the Physics Research Laboratory in Ahmedabad, working under Vikram Sarabhai.

Dates: 1937-2006
Found in: Archives at NCBS