Box MS-006 Box 4
Contains 32 Results:
Copies of lists of publications from 1973-1983, circa 1973
Folder contains two copies of a list of Sastry's publications created on 18.12.73 and updated in January of 1983.
Self Evaluation Report, circa 1973
Copy of the Sastry's self evaluation report submitted to PRL. Annotated by Sastry.
Status Report, February 1, 1976
Two page report on Rubidium magnetometer, its status, and telemetry components.
Proposed Rocket Experiments 1981-1990, circa 1981
Folder contains a document titled "Proposed Rocket Experiments 1981-1990" which details rocket requirements. Another untitled document gives a report of Sastry's work and collaborations with French, American, Japanese and British scientists. An annotation on this document states "For Rastogi" 26.2.80. A list of publications is also included in the folder.
Agenda: Meeting on Sounding Rockets and SROSS Experiments, February 1, 1985
Two copies of an agenda for an ISRO meeting at the headquarters in Bangalore, 13-14/2/1985. Annotation on one states "Info regarding request for rocket collaboration for experiments."
Distribution of Responsibility for SOEP Experiment, Berkeley, circa 1961
Solar Cosmic Ray Experiment - EGO Time Table to Prototype.
Sounding Rocket Requirement, Undated
Sheet compares requirements of PRL, TIFR, NPL, VSSC, ISAC, IIG.
Annotated Lecture Notes, Undated
Annotated lecture notes on satellite launches and orbits.
Handwritten notes on E-field balloons, Undated
Notes regarding the measurement of horizontal and vertical electric field components.
Application for the fellowship tenable at the European Space Technology Centre, Undated
Folder contains two copies of the application, application consists of a detailed resume and a statement of research experience in the field of telemetry and payload construction.
Series 2: Research Papers and Administration
This collection consists of the papers of T.S.G. Sastry, a scientist who made significant contributions to the field of space research in India. Sastry was also one of the earliest PhD students at the Physics Research Laboratory in Ahmedabad, working under Vikram Sarabhai.
Series 3: Research Data and Artefacts
This collection consists of the papers of T.S.G. Sastry, a scientist who made significant contributions to the field of space research in India. Sastry was also one of the earliest PhD students at the Physics Research Laboratory in Ahmedabad, working under Vikram Sarabhai.
Sub-Series 2: Research administration
This collection consists of the papers of T.S.G. Sastry, a scientist who made significant contributions to the field of space research in India. Sastry was also one of the earliest PhD students at the Physics Research Laboratory in Ahmedabad, working under Vikram Sarabhai.
Readings from the Santiel Thesis Curve and 3rd March, 1973 Ascent, circa 1973
Table of data, Altitude vs. E_z x 2 (vertical component of Electric field).
Ascent and Descent Plots of FU93 from Thumba (Part 1/2), circa 1973
Prints of data from microfilm slides in MS006-3-0-6-4, MS006-3-0-6-5, MS006-3-0-6-6. Dated 13-10-72, 3-3-73.
Ascent and Descent Plots of FU93 from Thumba (Part 2/2), circa 1973
Folder also contains: pictures of instruments; photographs of descent plots dated 3-3-73; photograph of Rubidium Magnetometer Data Reduction System; wiring diagrams; printed data taken at Bangalore and Tiruchirapalli.
Graphs of data collected in February, 1978 at Thumba, circa 1978
Graphs dated February 1978 through May 1979.
Circuit and wiring diagrams related to amplifiers and pulse height analyzer (Part 1/4), undated
Folder contains blueprints for electronic components, produced by the Radiation Instrument Development Laboratory.
Circuit and wiring diagrams related to amplifiers and pulse height analyzer (Part 2/4), undated
Contains two blueprints made by NASA on Payload Separation and Pyrotechnic Wiring. Also includes blueprints made by Radiation Instrument Development Laboratory for NASA's Model 14, and blueprints made by Nita Majumdar for a Micropulse Preamp Model CR-2.
Circuit and wiring diagrams related to amplifiers and pulse height analyzer (Part 3/4), undated
Folder contains a number of blueprints of electronic components from the Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California.
Circuit and wiring diagrams related to amplifiers and pulse height analyzer (Part 4/4), undated
Folder contains pulse height analyzer diagrams and Schematic Logic Circuitry diagrams from Matrix Research and Development Corp. Also includes Cosmic Ray Detector Schematic Diagrams from Ball Brother Corporation.
Research data on pulse height analyzer, shift registers and accumulator systems (Part 1/2), 1962-1963
Folder contains two graphs from Explorer XIV, October 1962, Additional 3 enlarged graphs of Explorer XIV from Jan 4, 1963 and three circuit diagrams from Radiation Instrument Development Laboratory Inc, Northlake, Illinois. Attachments from the University of California, OGO Shift Registers and Accumulator System are also included, dated from April 1962.
Research data on pulse height analyzer, shift registers and accumulator systems (Part 2/2), undated
Folder contains a variety of handwritten notes, schematics and graphs regarding solar cosmic ray experiments. A letter included with the material suggests that this data is associated with Sastry's work in University of California, Berkeley.
Notes and diagrams on scintillation counters, photo multipliers and magnetometers (Part 1/3), May 15, 1905
Pulse Height Analyzer waveform data; two circuit diagrams produced by The Matrix Research and Development Corporation, Nashua, New Hampshire (15.10.1962); Circuit diagram produced by Ball Brothers Corporation, Colorado (31.08.1962).
Notes and diagrams on scintillation counters, photo multipliers and magnetometers (Part 2/3), undated
Handwritten notes on Tokyo University letterheads; annotated graph sheets; wiring diagrams related to data reduction systems for proton magnetometers and block diagrams.
Notes and diagrams on scintillation counters, photo multipliers and magnetometers (Part 3/3), undated
Handwritten notes: "Notes from J.B Birk's Scintillation Counters"; on Rubidium Vapour Magnetometer, pulse amplifiers Graveson and Sadowski. One page containing list of songs deleted in digital version of file but remains in the physical record.
Time Correlated Performance Data and Figures, undated
Report with sections titled Time Correlated Performance Data, Telemetry, Test Program Information, Measurement and Other requirements (pp 3-13); 5 figures titled Nike Apache Vehicle Configuration, 14.424 GI Payload, 14.425. GI Payload, Nike Igniter Circuit - Model No. XM-69, Capache Igniter Circuit Model No. TE-P-354-10.
Ascent and Descent Plots of FU 193 from Thumba, undated
Graphs with X axis labelled Altitude in Kms. One is titled "Near Simultaneous Measurement of J and Ey over Thumba" and plots Current Density in Amp/Km2 against Altitude in km2. Also includes some unused graph sheet templates.
Project Report (April 1963-March 1964) Rocket Magnetometer Project, August 1, 1964
Two copies of the report by Sastry, provides details of magnetometer payload launches at Thumba. Letter from L. Cahill to Vikram Sarabhai, dated 4.11.63, details Sastry's work at UNH.
TSG Sastry's resume as of 25th August, 1969, August 1, 1969
Folder contains an annotated resume with a description of Sastry's experience in rocket and satellite payload construction
Draft Report of the Committee Constituted by the Executive Council of the National Geophysical Research Institute, circa 1971
Attached to the Appendix is a booklet about the Indian Institute of Geomagnetism, Colaba, Bombay 5
TSG Sastry Papers
This collection consists of the papers of T.S.G. Sastry, a scientist who made significant contributions to the field of space research in India. Sastry was also one of the earliest PhD students at the Physics Research Laboratory in Ahmedabad, working under Vikram Sarabhai.