Frame 8
Contains 16 Results:
Sushi and the Snail: A meeting on cellular trafficking, circuits and behaviour (speakers list included), 2007-02-23 - 2007-02-24
The K.S. Krishnan papers are organised in 18 archival boxes and in the following series:
Series 1. Research
Series 2. Scientific Administration
Series 3. Writings
Series 4. Correspondence
Series 5. Personal
Sympotein II: The nuts and struts of animal locomotion Getting to the meat of the issue, 2008-08-08
The K.S. Krishnan papers are organised in 18 archival boxes and in the following series:
Series 1. Research
Series 2. Scientific Administration
Series 3. Writings
Series 4. Correspondence
Series 5. Personal
Potions from poisons public lecture
The K.S. Krishnan papers are organised in 18 archival boxes and in the following series:
Series 1. Research
Series 2. Scientific Administration
Series 3. Writings
Series 4. Correspondence
Series 5. Personal
Reading Aryabhata's Mind - Public Lecture by PP Divakaran Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics @NCBS, 2010-02-19
The K.S. Krishnan papers are organised in 18 archival boxes and in the following series:
Series 1. Research
Series 2. Scientific Administration
Series 3. Writings
Series 4. Correspondence
Series 5. Personal
35th Mahabaleshwar seminar: The evolution of molecular function and principles of protein design, bulk: 2010-02-21 - 2010-02-28
The K.S. Krishnan papers are organised in 18 archival boxes and in the following series:
Series 1. Research
Series 2. Scientific Administration
Series 3. Writings
Series 4. Correspondence
Series 5. Personal
SERB School on chemical ecology @NCBS, bulk: 2014-02-17 - 2014-02-28
The K.S. Krishnan papers are organised in 18 archival boxes and in the following series:
Series 1. Research
Series 2. Scientific Administration
Series 3. Writings
Series 4. Correspondence
Series 5. Personal
SERB school on chemical ecology public evening lectures, bulk: 2014-02-17 - 2014-02-28
The K.S. Krishnan papers are organised in 18 archival boxes and in the following series:
Series 1. Research
Series 2. Scientific Administration
Series 3. Writings
Series 4. Correspondence
Series 5. Personal
Threatened birds of Coimbatore wetlands via SACON and Karunya University
The K.S. Krishnan papers are organised in 18 archival boxes and in the following series:
Series 1. Research
Series 2. Scientific Administration
Series 3. Writings
Series 4. Correspondence
Series 5. Personal
Damage pattern by birds on different agricultural crops via ANGRAU, Hyderabad
The K.S. Krishnan papers are organised in 18 archival boxes and in the following series:
Series 1. Research
Series 2. Scientific Administration
Series 3. Writings
Series 4. Correspondence
Series 5. Personal
Recommendations/management methods developed under AINP on agricultural ornithology via ANGRAU, Hyderabad
The K.S. Krishnan papers are organised in 18 archival boxes and in the following series:
Series 1. Research
Series 2. Scientific Administration
Series 3. Writings
Series 4. Correspondence
Series 5. Personal
Beneficial birds in agricultural landscape, ANGRAU, Hyderabad
The K.S. Krishnan papers are organised in 18 archival boxes and in the following series:
Series 1. Research
Series 2. Scientific Administration
Series 3. Writings
Series 4. Correspondence
Series 5. Personal
Depredatory birds in agricultural landscape, ANGRAU, Hyderabad
The K.S. Krishnan papers are organised in 18 archival boxes and in the following series:
Series 1. Research
Series 2. Scientific Administration
Series 3. Writings
Series 4. Correspondence
Series 5. Personal
Isolation of bioactive peptides from the skin glands of Indian balloon frog, Uperodon globulosus
The K.S. Krishnan papers are organised in 18 archival boxes and in the following series:
Series 1. Research
Series 2. Scientific Administration
Series 3. Writings
Series 4. Correspondence
Series 5. Personal
Deep sequencing of marine cone snails through transcriptonomics approach: Elucidation of neurotoxic peptides sequentially, structurally and functionally
The K.S. Krishnan papers are organised in 18 archival boxes and in the following series:
Series 1. Research
Series 2. Scientific Administration
Series 3. Writings
Series 4. Correspondence
Series 5. Personal
Deep sequencing of marine cone snails through transcriptonomics approach: Elucidation of neurotoxic peptides sequentially, structurally and functionally (different from above) ROLLED AND KEPT IN COLLECTION BOX
The K.S. Krishnan papers are organised in 18 archival boxes and in the following series:
Series 1. Research
Series 2. Scientific Administration
Series 3. Writings
Series 4. Correspondence
Series 5. Personal
Deconvolution of peptide toxin library through mass spectrometry based venom duct transcriptomics
The K.S. Krishnan papers are organised in 18 archival boxes and in the following series:
Series 1. Research
Series 2. Scientific Administration
Series 3. Writings
Series 4. Correspondence
Series 5. Personal