Box 52
Contains 23 Results:
Interactions of Zeste mutations with Loci exhibiting transvection effects in Drosophila melanogaster; Spontaneous unequal exchange in the rosy region of Drosophila
The Discriminating power of the Vertebrate Olfactory receptors
Hishinuma, Akira; Hockfield Susan; McKay and Hilderbrand G John
Monoclonal antibodies reveal cell type specific antigens in the sexually dimorphic Olfactory System of Madusa sexta
Hall, C Jeffrey
Control of male reproductive behaviour by the central nervous system of Drosophila ; Dissection of a courtship pathway by genetic mosaic
Hasan, G; C. Ayyub
Olfactory Behaviour of a element induced singed mutants of Drosophila melanogaster; Molecular cloning of an Olfactory gene from Drosophila melanogaster; Molecular cloning of an Olfactory gene from Drosophila melanogaster; On the fine structure of yaw torque in visual flight orientation of Drosophila melanogaster
Heisenberg, M.
Hermen, Goldman Karen
Research Fellowship Application--Physiology of vertebrate gustatory receptor cells, the mechanism of taste transduction
Howard, Bruce; John R Merriam ; Charles Meshul
Effects of Neutrotropic and Psychotropic drugs on Drosophila
Hopfield, J J
Olfactory computation and object perception
Chowdhury, Indira
Growing the Tree of Science-- Chapter One--Dreams and Realities
Chowdhury, Indira
Growing the Tree of Science--Chapter Two--Private Enterprise and a Public Institution
Chowdhury, Indira
Growing the Tree of Science--Chapter Three--The Institute and its Cultural Setting
Chowdhury, Indira
Growing the Tree of Science--Chapter Six--The Return of the Natives
Chowdhury, Indira
Fundamental Research, Self reliance and Internationalism: The Evolution of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Jackson, Rob F; Wilson D Susan , Gray R Strichartz ; Linda M Hall
Two types of Mutants affecting voltage sensitive sodium channels in Drosophila melanogaster
Jan, L Y ; Jan Y N
Properties of the larval neuromuscular junction in Drosophila melanogaster; L Glutamate as an excitatory transmitter at the Drosophila Larval Neuromuscular junction
Jana, C Swadhin ; Akansha Jain ; Kumari Anjusha; Kratika Bobra ; Tuhin Chakraborthy; O Siddiqi
Odor receptor transport olfactory cilia by heterotrimeric kinesin 2 increases the sensory gain in adult Drosophila antenna
Karpilow, Jon; Tracie Bork ; Tadmiri Venkatesh
Development of the Drosophila Compound Eye : rap Mutants Lack photoreceptor cell R8
Keene, C.Alex; Michael J Krashes; Benjamin Leung; Jessica R Bemard; Scott Waddle
Drosophila Dorsal paired medial neurons provide a general mechanism for memory consolidation
Kennedy, M Linda
Actions of Hodulcin: Dynamics of suppression of receptor cell responses to Sucrose and surface activation; Hodulcin: Selective sweetness- reducing principle from Hovenia dulcis leaves
Kikuchi, T.
Chemosensory mutants of Drosophila melanogaster
Kolodhy, Douglas; Linda M Kennedy
A model system for receptor cell studies with the taste modifier,Hoducin
Konopka, Roland; Steven Wells
A circadian rhythm of cell division in Drosophila cultured cells; Mosaic analysis of a Drosophila Clock mutant
Kularni j Shankar; Asha Padhye
Temperature Paralytic Mutations on the second and third chromosomes