Box 51
Contains 28 Results:
Aceves- Pina O. Efrain ; William G Quinn
Learning in Normal and Mutant Drosophila Larvae
Alcorta, E.
Isolation of Two Olfactory Mutations of the Autosomes of Drosophila melanogaster; Intrapopulational variation of Olfactory responses in Drosophila melanogaster
Ayer, Richard ; Paula Monte ; John Carlson
A new homeotic Mutant affecting the Drosophila Olfactory System
Babu, P; S. Brenner
Spectrum of 32P Induces mutants of Caenorhabditis elegans
Blacklaws, B A ; S. Krishna ; A. C Minson ; A.A Nash
Immunogenicity of herpes simplex virus type 1 glycoproteins expressed in vaccination recombinants
Bhattacharyya, Nitia Pada
Negligible male gene flow across ethnic boundaries in India , revealed by analysis of Y Chromosomal DNA polymorphism
Balakrishnan, Rohini
Species concepts and Species Identifications
Blake, et al
fused rhabdomeres in Drosophila melanogaster , alters rhabdomere morphology and retinal function
Bourassa, M David
Differential Actions of Propanol or Propanol/ Salt mixtures on receptor cell responses to Sucrose or NaCl
Borst, Alexander
In vivo imaging of Calcium Accumulation in fly interneurons as elicited by visual motion stimulation; Neurons in the Antennal Lobes of Drosophila melanogaster; Identification of different chemoreceptors by electroantennogram
Bruyne, de Marien; Peter J Clyne; John R Carlson
Odor coding in model olfactory organ
Buszczak, Michael ; marc R Freeman ; John . R Carlson , Lynn Cooley
Early genes in the ateroid response hierarchy regulate egg chamber maturation during Drosophila melanogaster
Byers, Duncan
A review of the behaviour and biochemistry of dunce , a mutation of learning in Drosophila
Carlson, John ; Craig Woodard
Olfactory recognition of plants by insect pests : Drosophila as a model system
Clyne, Peter; Alan Grant ; Robert O'Connell; John R Carlson
Odorant Response of Individual Sensilla on the Drosophila Antenna
Crosby, A Madeline; Meyerowitz M.Elliot
Drosophila Glue gene Sgs 3
Davison, Andrew
Mathematical modelling of long term synaptic plasticity in the olfactory bulb
Deak, I Ilan
Positional Information and determination during Drosophila Embryogenesis; A model linking segmentation , compartmentalization and regeneration in Drosophila;
Divakaran, P.P
Calculus under the coconut palms: The last hurrah of medieval Indian mathematics
Drain, Peter; Elisabeth Folkers; William G Quinn
CAMP -Dependant Protein Kinase and the Disruption of learning in transgenic flies
Escovar, J R Riesgo; Piekos ; John Carlson
The maxillary palp of Drosophila : Ultrastructure and physiology depends on the lozenge gene; Development and organization of the Drosophila olfactory system : An analysis using Enhancer Traps
Fleming, Robert ; Susan Zemskey; Kalpana White
Genetic analysis of lethal alleles at the ewg locus affecting muscle development
Gawade, S;C . Bon; B. Bizzini
The use of antibody F(ab) fragments specifically directed to two different complementary parts of the tetanus toxin molecule for studying the mode of action of the toxin
Green, H Steven
The segment specific organization of leg motorneurons in Drosophila is transformed in Bithorax mutants
Ghysen, A; I.I Deak
Establishment of adult nerve pathways in Drosophila
Gaines, Peter; Laurie Tompkins ; Craig Woodard;John Carlson
Quick to court , a Drosophila mutant with Elevated levels of sexual behaviour , is defective in a predicted coiled coil protein
Gehring, J Walter
Establishment of a Drosophila Gene bank in Bacterial plasmids
Gelbart, M William; Chao Ting
Interactions of Zeste mutations with Loci exhibiting transvection effects in Drosophila melanogaster; Spontaneous unequal exchange in the rosy region of Drosophila