Jamal Ara Collection
Identifier: MS-046
Avifauna of Champaran, Muzaffarpur, Shahabad, Singhbhum and others
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-2-1-1-6
Avifauna of Hazaribagh District
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-2-1-1-7
Bill or beak of birds
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-2-2-2-1
Bird and Bird Watching
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-4-0-3-2
Bird handbook -- annotated
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-5-0-3-10
Bird species names and notes on Eastern India
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-2-1-1-8
Bird species names, location, year, and author of finding
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-2-2-2-2
Bird Watching for Children -- Wonders of Bird Life
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-2-1-1-9
Birds and You
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-2-1-1-10
Birds of Bihar -- Book proposal, outline and main lines of study of field ornithology
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-2-1-1-11
Birds of the Bihar Forest
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-3-0-2-21
Birds of the Darbhanga District, North Bihar, with some Records from Neighbouring Districts
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-4-0-3-7
Birds of the Duars
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-4-0-2-29
Books and a few Separates in the Library of C.M. Inglis
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-4-0-2-30
Breeding birds of Bihar
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-2-2-2-3
Chota Nagpur Newsletter (From a Correspondent)
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-2-1-1-12
Common Birds of the Indian Plains
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-4-0-2-26
Conservation Problems in Bihar
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-3-0-2-20
Conservation Problems in Bihar
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-2-1-1-13
Coronation of the Queen -- Stand-up model of the Royal State Coach
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-5-0-3-11
Cursory Ecological Survey of the Flora and Fauna of the Hazaribagh National Park (Bihar)
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-3-0-2-22
Drafts of ten articles on Chota Nagpur landscapes covering forests, colour, spring, monsoon, trails and other themes
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-2-1-1-14
Expert Committee on National Parks -- Introductory Chapter
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-4-0-3-9
Fauna of the Kodarma Reserved Forests
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-2-1-1-15
Fauna -- species names in English and Hindi
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-2-2-2-4
Field Notes on the Birds of the Kolhan Forest Division
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-3-0-2-18
Fifteen Year Scheme for Protection of Wildlife in Bihar
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-2-1-1-16
Folks Tales of Chota Nagpur
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-2-4-2-12
Forests for Use and Beauty
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-2-1-1-17
Forgotten Spring of the Indian Jungle
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-3-0-2-19
Fragments of a Lost Civilization
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-2-4-2-13
Gardiner, Bump
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-1-0-1-2
General botany
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-2-2-2-5
Ghosh, Nandita
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-1-0-1-5
Glimpse in Bird Land
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-2-1-1-18
Hazaribagh National Park - Revisited
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-2-1-1-19
Illustrations of bird-houses
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-2-3-2-11
Illustrations of Birds - Part 1 of 3
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-2-3-2-8
Illustrations of Birds - Part 2 of 3
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-2-3-2-9
Illustrations of Birds - Part 3 of 3
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-2-3-2-10
J.C., Daniel -- BNHS
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-1-0-1-4
Journeys through Hell
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-2-4-2-14
Killing of Tigers Banned in Twelve States
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-4-0-3-1
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-2-4-2-15
Little Known Facts about Indian Forests
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-2-1-1-20
Mammals of Hazaribagh Forests
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-2-1-1-21
Migration of Gulls, according to Ringing Data in the Soviet Union (USSR)
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-4-0-2-27
Nature Conservation
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-2-1-1-22
Notes based on Valentine Ball's research
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-2-2-2-6
Notes: Forestry, intensive utilisation, wildlife and wild flowers in Bihar, Indian Institute of Field Ornithology, and other themes
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-2-1-1-23
Notes from Newsletter for Birdwatchers and other Journals
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-2-2-2-7
Notes -- Indian classical music, music theory, food recipes
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-5-0-3-12
Notes on Munda mysticism
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-2-4-2-16
Orchids of Chota Nagpur
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-3-0-2-24
P.V., George
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-1-0-1-3
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-1-0-1-1
Reports -- Bombay Natural History Society's Bird Migration Study Project
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-4-0-2-33
Sanctuaries and National Parks in Eastern India
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-4-0-3-8
Sanctuaries in Bihar
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-3-0-2-25
Save the Tiger and its Prey
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-4-0-3-4
The Gujarat Satpuras in Indian Ornitho-Geography
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-4-0-2-28
The Nesting Habits of the Goldfinch
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-4-0-2-31
The Silver Stream
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-3-0-2-23
Through the Scrub
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-2-1-1-24
Upper Damodar Valley -- Bihar -- Checklist of birds and related notes
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-2-1-1-25
Urdu draft - 1 of 4
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-2-1-1-26
Urdu draft - 2 of 4
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-2-1-1-27
Urdu draft - 3 of 4
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-2-1-1-28
Urdu draft - 4 of 4
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-2-1-1-29
Why Forests -- The Jungle in Bihar
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-2-1-1-30
Wild Life is Essential to our Welfare
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-046-4-0-2-32