P K Sukumaran Papers
Identifier: MS-029
A Case of Hereditary Methemoglobinemia with NADH-Methemoglobin Reductase (Diaphorase) Deficiency
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-2-31
A Homozygote for the Hb Type of Foetal Haemoglobin in India: A Study of Two Indian and Four Negro Families
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-2-32
A note on blood groups and hemoglobin variants in zebu cattle
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-2-33
A Second and A Third Abnormal Haemoglobin in Norfolk
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-2-34
A Second Type of Hereditary Persistence of Foetal Haemoglobin in India
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-2-35
Abnormal Haemoglobin in Testicular Feminisation Syndrome
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-2-29
Abnormal Haemoglobins in India
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-2-28
ABO Blood Groups in Active Cases of Smallpox
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-2-30
Ahuja, Y. R.
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-1-1-40
Annual Report for 1969 -- Documentation draft of cases, lectures, and projects related to chromosomal defects at CRI
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-5-2-16
Bapat, C. V.
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-1-1-51
BDH Chemicals
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-1-1-38
Bone Changes in Congenital Haemolytic Anaemias
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-2-36
Choksi, R
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-1-1-3
Clerk, S. H.
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-1-1-14
CME Programme, Trivandrum Medical College -- Correspondence
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-5-2-17
Contractor, N. M. -- Correspondence
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-5-2-18
Darlington, C. D,
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-1-1-33
de Grunchy, G. C.
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-1-1-5
Dhala, A. S.
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-1-1-45
Electrophoresis Patterns, Indian Council of Medical Research
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-3-2-4
Examination of 146 South Indian Aboriginals for Haemoglobin Variants
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-2-37
Fatal hemolytic anemia presumably due to the combination of sickle cell and thalassemia gene
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-2-38
F(Beta-Delta) Thalassaemia
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-2-39
fingerprint van christiaan johan muller -- Poster
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-2-0-3-38
First National Congress of Human Genetics
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-5-2-19
Further Studies in the Postnatal Change in Chemical Heterogenity of Human Fetal Hemoglobin in Several Abnormal Conditions
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-2-40
Gamma-Chain Heterogeneity of Fetal Hemoglobin in Nonblack β- and δβ- Thalassemia and HPFH Heterozygotes and Homozygotes
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-2-41
Haemoglobin A2 - A Comparitive Study in the Estimation Using Different Methods
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-2-42
Haemoglobin J Trait in Two Indian Women
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-2-43
Haemoglobin L in Bombay: Findings in Three Gujrati Speaking Lohana Families
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-2-44
Haemoglobin-M disease in a Punjabi hindu family
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-2-45
Haemoglobin Polymorphism in Indian Water Buffaloes
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-2-46
Haemoglobin Polymorphism in Indian Zebu Cattle
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-2-47
Hemoglobin-M Disease
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-3-1
Hemoglobin Q India Associated with B-Thalassaemia Observed in Three Sindhi Families
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-3-2
Hensen, M. E. -- Correspondence
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-4-2-6
Hereditary Elliptocytocis Associated with Beta-Thalassaemia and a Variant of Rh
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-3-3
Hereditary Persistence of Foetal Haemoglobin
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-3-4
Hereditary Persistence of Foetal Haemoglobin with Haemoglobin-E in a Maratha family from Bombay
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-3-5
Heterogeneity in the Molecular Basis of Three Types of Hereditary Persistence of Fetal Hemoglobin and the Relative Syntheis of the gγ and aγ Types of the γ Chain
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-3-6
Horton, P. D.
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-1-1-17
Hypochromic Anaemia Caused by Beta-Thalassaemia Trait
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-3-7
Indian Journal of Medical Research
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-1-1-16
Jongens, E -- Correspondence
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-4-2-7
Jonxie, J. H. P. -- Correspondece
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-4-2-8
Khandolkar, V. R.
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-1-1-1
Koopman -- Correspondence
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-4-2-9
Kumar, Sharad
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-1-1-44
Liquid nitrogen storage of haemoglobin variants
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-3-8
Makroo, R. N.
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-1-1-54
Malhotra, K. C,
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-1-1-35
Medical Genetics in India, Volume 2, 1978
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-3-9
Medical Times, Vol.4, No.3, March 1974 -- Newsletter clipping
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-2-0-OS11-67
Megaloblastic Anemia Complicating Thalassemia
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-3-10
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-1-1-52
Mollison, P. L.
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-1-1-23
Mutalik, G. S. -- Correspondence
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-5-2-21
Naik, S. N.
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-1-1-37
National Provincial Bank -- Correspondence
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-4-2-10
Painting -- Portrait of Sukumaran
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-2-0-OS11-70
Parekh, J. G. -- Correspondence
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-5-2-22
Perez, Julio E
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-1-1-55
Photographs -- Collaborators
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-6-2-25
Photographs -- Meetings and Conferences
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-6-2-26
Photographs -- Miscellaneous
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-6-2-27
Pik, C
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-1-1-4
Pillai, M. V.
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-1-1-42
Principal Medical Officer, Nowrusjee Wadia Maternity Hospital
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-1-1-46
Q Fever Survey in the Nilgiri and Coimbatore Districts of the Madras State
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-3-21
Radio Netherlands -- Correspondence
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-4-2-12
Ravenswaaij, Van
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-1-1-7
Resolution of Hetrogeneity by Biochemical Techniques Abnormal Haemoglobins and Thalassaemia
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-3-11
Sarma, T. Janardana
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-1-1-21
Sharma, R. S. -- Correspondence
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-5-2-24
Shimkin, Dmitri B
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-1-1-15
Sickle Cell - Haemoglobin D Disease in a Sinhalese Family
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-3-12
Sickle-Cell Trait in Some Tribes of Western India
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-3-13
Slides -- Electrophoresis Images
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-6-OS15-2
Slides -- Infographics and Data (1)
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-6-OS15-4
Slides -- Infographics and Data (2)
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-6-OS16-1
Slides -- Microscopic Images
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-6-OS17-1
Slides -- Thalassaemia
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-6-OS18-1
Slides -- Unidentified people
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-6-OS17-2
Student's Notebook, K Madian -- Research notes by K Madian
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-2-2-3
Studies on the Hemoglobins A and B of Indian Cattle
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-3-14
Study of Blood Groups, Abnormal Hemoglobins and other Genetic Characters in Some Tribes at Gujrat
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-3-15
Thalassaemia in Bombay: the role of medical genetics in developing countries
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-3-16
Thalassaemia in Ceylon
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-3-17
The Distribution of Abnormal Haemoglobin in the Indian Population
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-3-18
The Journal of the Association of Physicians of India
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-3-19
The Occurrence of Different Levels of G Gamma Chain and A Gamma T Variant of Fetal Hemoglobin in Newborn Babies From Several Countries
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-3-20
Udhani, P. M.
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-1-1-25
Untitled -- Curriculum Vitae
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-2-0-3-37
Untitled -- Diary (1)
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-2-1-57
Untitled -- Diary (2)
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-2-2-1
Untitled -- Minutes of meeting for accomodating patients at CRI
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-5-2-20
Untitled -- Notes and writing by AP Krishnaja
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-2-0-3-39
Untitled -- Notes on NEBUTA fellowship
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-4-2-11
Untitled -- Personal
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-029-1-1-1-56