R Prabhakar Papers
Identifier: MS-021
Cartographic Data Base
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-3-2-16-1
CES, Research
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-1-1-1
Collected from notes of MSS Pandian
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-2-6-1
Data collected during 1991 by the Health Department
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-4-0-18-1
EC302: Evolution Behaviour and Sociobiology by Dr. Raghavendra Gadagkar
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-3-8-2
EC305: Conservation and Sustainable Development by Prof. Madhav Gadgil
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-3-8-3
Evaluation Survey Meetings and Oral Histories
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-3-8-4
Evolution, Behaviour, and Sociobiology – Exam Sheet
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-3-8-5
Field work journal
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-2-2-11-8
Hierarchical Partitioning of Tree Diversity Across Spatial Scales
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-4-8-12
IDRISI Geographic Information System (GIS)
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-2-5-15-24
Livestock data for 1987-91 in Sigur Plateau
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-4-0-18-10
Map, Nilgiri Hills, Map of Main Vegetation Types from LANDSAT imagery
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-3-6-17-2
Map of Sensitivity of Forests of Karnataka
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-3-6-17-5
Maps as markers for ecological change
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-4-8-13
Minutes of meeting with Dr. J P Pascal on 4th Sept. 1991
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-3-8-6
Note prepared for the doctoral comittee meeting on 9th March 1988
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-3-8-8
Peninsula of India from the Kistnah River to the Cape Comorin – Map
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-3-6-OS13-83
Piches Pluviometrie
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-3-2-16-8
Ramesh, B
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-2-5-15-26
Resource Use Culture and Ecological Change: A case study of the Nilgiri Hills of Southern India – Manuscript
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-4-8-14
Roll 7 - Slides 1 to 38
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-2-4-14-11
Roll 8 - Slides 1 to 38
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-2-4-14-12
Roll 9 - Slides 1 to 24
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-2-4-14-13
Roll 10 - Slides 1 to 26
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-2-4-14-14
Roll 13 - Slides 1 to 39
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-2-4-14-16
Roll 16 - Slides 1 to 38
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-2-4-15-1
Roll 17 - Slides 1 to 35
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-2-4-15-2
Roll 18 - Slides 1 to 38
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-2-4-15-3
Roll 19 - Slides 1 to 38
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-2-4-15-4
Roll 20 - Slides 1 to 38
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-2-4-15-5
Roll 22 - Slides 1 to 38
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-2-4-15-7
Roll 23 - Slides 1 to 39
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-2-4-15-8
Roll 24 - Slides 1 to 38
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-2-4-15-9
Roll 28 - Color positive film 1 to 37
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-2-4-15-12
Roll 29 - Color positive film 1 to 37
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-2-4-15-13
Roll 31 - Color positive film 1 to 35
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-2-4-15-15
Roll 32 - Slides 1 to 37
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-2-4-15-16
Roll 34 - Slides 1 to 39
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-2-4-15-18
Roll 35 - Slides 1 to 38
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-2-4-15-19
Roll 36 - Slides 1 to 38
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-2-4-15-20
Roll I - Slides 1 to 37
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-2-4-14-5
Roll II - Slides 1 to 20
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-2-4-14-6
Roll IV - Slides 1 to 36
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-2-4-14-8
Salisbury Industrial Co-operation Tea Factory – Excerpt
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-4-0-18-17
Short History of the Bilirangan Estates, CWG Morris – Excerpt
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-4-0-18-18
Slides Catalogue by R Prabhakar
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-2-4-15-22
SOAS, SACE, Conference, Bellagio
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-1-3-4
Special Invited Lecture
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-3-8-9
Statistics from the United Planters Association of South India, data on area under cultivation
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-4-0-OS13-84
Tea production data from Kodanad Tea Estate
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-4-0-18-9
Tentative Tour Programme of Prof. Madhav Gadgil and Thiru R. Prabhakar
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-3-8-10
The Famine of 1876-1878 in South India, Roland Lardinois
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-2-6-9
The Social History of the Tamils, KK Pillai
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-2-6-10
Thesis outline 1/9
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-1-3-7
Thesis outline 2/9
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-1-3-8
Thesis outline 3/9
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-1-3-9
Thesis outline 4/9
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-1-4-1
Thesis outline 5/9
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-1-4-2
Thesis outline 6/9
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-1-4-3
Thesis outline 7/9
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-1-4-4
Thesis outline 8/9
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-1-4-5
Thesis outline 9/9
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-1-4-6
Untitled – Address Book, 1989 to 1993
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-3-7-1
Untitled – Annual Reports of NGA (Nilgiri Game Association)
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-2-4-7
Untitled – Bibliography Cards 1/4
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-2-5-1
Untitled – Bibliography Cards 2/4
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-2-5-2
Untitled – Bibliography Cards 3/4
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-2-5-3
Untitled – Bibliography Cards 4/4
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-2-5-4
Untitled – Border and land zones map of Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-3-6-16-10
Untitled – Boundary and Vegetation Map of Nilgiri area
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-3-6-16-11
Untitled – Census reports 1/4
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-2-5-5
Untitled – Census reports 2/4
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-2-5-6
Untitled – Census reports 3/4
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-2-5-7
Untitled – Census reports 4/4
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-2-5-8
Untitled – Draft of schedule prepared for data collection
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-2-2-11-6
Untitled – Excerpts on the ecology of Nilgiris and indigenious communities 1/2
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-2-6-2
Untitled – Excerpts on the ecology of Nilgiris and indigenious communities 2/2
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-2-6-3
Untitled – Field notes and excerpted notes from reports
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-2-2-11-7
Untitled – Government surveys and records
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-2-6-4
Untitled – Map, Nilgiri District, 1907, Copy
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-3-6-17-1
Untitled – Map, Published by French Institute Pondicherry
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-3-6-17-6
Untitled – Miscellaneous
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-2-4-14-3
Untitled – Miscellaneous excerpted notes and Bibliography 1/4
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-2-6-5
Untitled – Miscellaneous excerpted notes and Bibliography 2/4
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-2-6-6
Untitled – Miscellaneous excerpted notes and Bibliography 3/4
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-2-6-7
Untitled – Miscellaneous excerpted notes and Bibliography 4/4
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-2-6-8
Untitled – Notes for a seminar presentation
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-3-8-7
Untitled – Notes, Legend curation for map
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-3-2-16-2
Untitled – Notes, Map-making 1/4
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-3-2-16-3
Untitled – Notes, Map-making 2/4
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-3-2-16-4
Untitled – Notes, Map-making 3/4
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-3-2-16-5
Untitled – Notes, Map-making 4/4
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-3-2-16-6
Untitled – Notes related to thesis titled "Resource, Use, Culture and Ecological Change: A case study of the Nilgiri Hills of Southern India" 1/2
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-1-2-2
Found in:
Archives at NCBS
R Prabhakar Papers
Series 1: Notes and Writing
Sub-Series 1: Notes and drafts for research and publication
Untitled -- Notes related to thesis titled "Resource, Use, Culture and Ecological Change: A case study of the Nilgiri Hills of Southern India" 1/2, 9 May 1990 - January 1993
Untitled – Notes related to thesis titled "Resource, Use, Culture and Ecological Change: A case study of the Nilgiri Hills of Southern India" 2/2
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-1-1-2-3
Found in:
Archives at NCBS
R Prabhakar Papers
Series 1: Notes and Writing
Sub-Series 1: Notes and drafts for research and publication
Untitled -- Notes related to thesis titled "Resource, Use, Culture and Ecological Change: A case study of the Nilgiri Hills of Southern India" 2/2, 9 May 1990 - January 1993
Untitled – Notes, Satellite image collection
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-3-2-16-7
Untitled – Photographs related to maps
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-2-4-14-4
Untitled – Vegetation and rainfall maps
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-3-6-16-9
Untitled – Vegetation density data of transects
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-2-2-11-9
Vegetation Sample Analysis and Outlines
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-021-2-2-12-2