R J Ranjit Daniels Papers
Identifier: MS-019
"3-lakh plan to restore bird sanctuary"
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-4-0-6-31
"A Bird's Eye View of Our Habitat"
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-4-0-6-29
A Field Guide to the Birds of Southwestern India
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-5-4-1
Amphibians of Peninsular India
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-5-4-2
Ant notes
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-2-2-7
Article drafts for bird column in the Deccan Herald
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-5-3-14
Bird checklists - Part 1
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-2-2-14
Bird checklists - Part 1
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-2-2-15
Bird notes - Folder 1
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-2-2-3
Bird notes - Folder 2
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-2-2-6
Bird notes - Folder 3
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-2-3-1
Bird weights
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-6-5-1
Birds of Dharwad
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-6-5-2
Birds of Goa
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-6-5-3
Birds of IISc
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-6-5-4
Birds of Nilgiris Biosphere
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-6-5-5
Birds of North Kanara
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-6-5-6
Bock, Walter
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-2-0-6-20
Common Freshwater Fishes of India
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-5-4-3
Data punch cards
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-6-5-7
Deuti, Kaushik
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-2-0-6-24
"Diversity (lit) and tadpoles field notes"
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-2-2-9
Ehrlich, Anne
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-2-0-6-23
Ehrlich, Paul
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-2-0-6-22
"Encyclopaedia: Agriculture - Botany"
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-2-2-1
"Endemic birds leaving Western Ghats"
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-4-0-6-30
"Entomology Vol. II"
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-2-2-4
"Field Book" - 1
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-1-1-6
"Field Book" - 2
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-1-1-8
"Field Book" - 3
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-3-3-4
"Field Book I"
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-1-1-2
Field diary
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-1-1-1
"Field Note Book: Birds I"
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-1-1-3
"Field Note Book: Insects Vol I, Birds Vol II"
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-1-1-4
"Field Note Book: Plants Vol. I"
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-1-1-5
Field notes
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-1-1-10
"Field Notes 1990-"
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-1-1-9
"Field Notes: Birds"
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-1-1-7
Fish drawings - Part 1
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-3-3-7
Fish drawings - Part 2
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-3-3-8
Fish drawings - Part 3
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-3-OS19-4
Frog checklist
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-2-2-10
Frog species and location data
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-2-2-2
Frogs of Barro Colorado Island, Panama
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-2-2-8
Frogs of Barro Colorado Island, Panama
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-5-3-15
Frogs of Western Ghats - Part 1
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-2-2-12
Frogs of Western Ghats - Part 2
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-2-2-13
Habitat - Hangal taluk
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-6-5-10
Habitat Heterogeneity Data, Uttara Kannada
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-2-2-5
Habitat - Nilgiris Biosphere
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-6-5-11
Habitat - Uttara Kannada
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-6-5-8
Herpetofauna of Eastern Ghats
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-6-5-9
Indian Academy of Sciences
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-2-0-6-27
"Insects: Classification and clues to field identification and collection"
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-5-3-12
Kannada names of birds
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-6-5-12
Lecture notes
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-4-3-11
Lecture summaries
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-4-3-10
List of vertebrate fauna of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-2-3-2
Local names of mammals and reptiles in North Kanara
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-6-5-13
Madsen, Stig Toft
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-2-0-6-26
Maps and graphs for thesis
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-5-3-18
"My sketch book of birds"
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-3-3-5
"My Uttara Kannada Days" - Part 1
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-5-3-16
"My Uttara Kannada Days" - Part 2
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-5-3-17
Negatives: Andaman and Nicobar islands
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-3-2-6-15
Notes, bird sketches
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-2-2-11
Oxford University Press
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-2-0-6-19
Photos: Achme-Motigudda
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-3-1-6-1
Photos: Andaman and Nicobar islands - Folder 1
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-3-2-6-11
Photos: Andaman and Nicobar islands, ship
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-3-2-6-13
Photos: Hulathevara Godlu (Aghanashini)
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-3-1-6-2
Photos: Methini Ghat
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-3-1-6-3
Photos: Nilgiri Biosphere Reseve
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-3-3-1-11
Photos: Silent Valley
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-3-3-1-14
Photos: Uttara Kannada - habitats
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-3-1-6-6
Photos: Uttara Kannada - people
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-3-1-6-7
Photos: Uttara Kannada - Satellite images
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-3-1-6-5
Photos: Yellapur-Kirvatti
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-3-1-6-4
Published articles
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-5-3-13
Rahmani, Asad R.
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-2-0-6-28
References for PhD thesis
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-6-5-14
Report of distribution of vertebrate diversity in Great Nicobar Biosphere Reserve
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-4-3-9
Sample bird data sheets
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-2-3-3
Sites visited in Uttara Kannada
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-6-5-15
"Sketchbook of birds"
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-1-3-3-6
Slides: Andaman and Nicobar islands
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-3-2-6-14
Slides: Lakshadweep islands
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-3-3-1-13
Slides: Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-3-3-1-12
Slides: Uttara Kannada - habitats and general
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-3-1-6-8
Slides: Uttara Kannada - people
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-3-1-6-9
Slides: Uttara Kannada - wetlands
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-3-1-6-10
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-2-0-6-17
Terborgh, Jon
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-2-0-6-16
Terborgh, Jon
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-2-0-6-18
World Resources Institute
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-2-0-6-25
XXI International Ornithological Congress
Digital Object
Identifier: MS-019-2-0-6-21