- Creation: Majority of material found within 2020-01-05, 2023-01-08
- Sridhar, Hari (Interviewer, Person)
- Joshi, N V (Niranjan Vasudeo) (1951) (Interviewee, Person)
- Venkatram, Preeti Shree (Processing Archivist, Person)
Niranjan Vasudeo Joshi was born in Belgaum in 1951. He did his schooling in Bombay. He pursued an undergraduate degree in Physics from Elphinstone College and a post graduate degree in Physics from the India Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay. Thereafter, he went on to pursue his PhD degree from the Molecular Biophysics Unit (MBU) at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) where his research focussed on conformations of five and six membered sugars and of some beta lactam antibiotics. Amongst other things, interactions with Raghavendra Gadagkar and Madhav Gadgil led him to join the Centre for Theoretical Studies (CTS) at IISc as a mathematical programmer in 1979. From CTS, it was a smooth transition for Joshi to the Centre for Ecological Sciences (CES), which he formally joined in 1987. He has been involved with teaching courses while at MBU, CTS and CES pertaining to programming, population theory and statistics. In an academic career spanning decades, Joshi has collaborated with multiple people prolific in their fields, such as Madhav and Sulochana Gadgil, Raghavendra Gadagkar, Raman Sukumar, RJR Daniels and TV Ramachandra, to name a few. His contribution has been in terms of statistical analyses and mathematical modelling for a varied range of subjects.
393 Minutes
Language of Materials
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