Sub-Series 4: Research References
Content Description
The Krishnaja A P papers are arranged into the following series:
Series 1: Correspondence
Series 2: Research
Series 3: Personal
All the series have been arranged in chronological order.
The correspondence series consists of letters to and from Krishnaja as well as letters forwarded to her. These have been divided into sub-series, 1976-1982, 1983-2004 and 2005-2011. The years map her professional journey, starting with her work at CSIR, then at BARC. The series consists of letters and emails, along with greeting cards and postcards and a telegram. There are letters between journal editors for publications, some of which are to her PhD advisor M S Rege. There are also letters with applications from Krishnaja for post-doctoral or visiting positions at various laboratories outside India, as well as recommendation letters from her advisors and her uncle P K Sukumaran. There are letters related to attending conferences, the HUMN project, as well as letters from colleagues and peers.
Research contains the four sub series: - Research Publications, - Scientific Research, Writing, and Administration, Meetings and conferences and Research References.
The series contains research publications from Krishnaja, along with laboratory data, writings and administrative papers. The laboratory data are mostly from her PhD work on fish cytogenetics. A set of chromosomal data from her period at KEM hospital has also been included. It also contains handwritten notes, booklets and training manuals for and from various conferences and training sessions that Krishnaja had attended. The series also contains research references, these are mostly publications from different laboratories.
The personal series includes material sorted into the sub series of Hobbies & Ephemera and Biographical material. It contains collected recipes from the 1980s and poetry. Biography contains CVs from different points in her career along with lists of publications attached to the CVs.
- Creation: 1972 - 2008
- From the Collection: A.P. , Krishnaja (Ayyathan P) (Person)
- From the Collection: T., Anjana (Processing Archivist, Person)
- From the Collection: Aradhya, Dhatri S (Processing Archivist, Person)
Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open for access unless mentioned in specific folders
From the Collection: 2 Linear Feet (4 Hollinger style archive-boxes + 2 oversize items)
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Archives at NCBS Repository
National Centre for Biological Sciences - Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Bangalore Karnataka 560065 India
+9180 6717 6010
+9180 6717 6011