UNTITLED- Minutes of a Meeting, Undated
Content Description
The Collection is arranged into the following series:
Research Projects
Journals of Pune Ecological Society
Writings and Speeches
The accession includes correspondence in the form of typed and hand-written letters. The correspondence sub-series has been divided decade-wise; within each sub-series the letters are arranged chronologically.
Research Projects contains documents of different projects undertaken by Prakash Gole. The sub-series are arranged alphabetically, namely, Bar-headed goose, Bhimshankar Wildlife Sanctuary, Birds of Northern Western Ghats, Black-necked Crane, Panshet Catchment Area, Phaltan, Sarus Cranes, Other Reports and Surveys by Pune Ecological Society. The first seven sub-series came as projects filed separately, and hence the original arrangement has been retained. Each sub-series consists of correspondence related to the project and includes reports, publications, papers, photographs, slides, etc.
Journals of Pune Ecological Society contains sixteen journals of Ecological Society from 1988-2012 arranged chronologically.
The administration series does not contain a sub-series. It includes agreements, feedback forms, activity reports, drafts of correspondence, course curriculums, worksheets, etc arranged chronologically.
Ephemera includes brochures and postcards received by Prakash Gole.
Photographs/Slides consist of sub-series personal and work. Personal material consists of photographs from his travels in India and in other countries along with his family. Whereas the work sub-series is related to his work trips. Both the sub-series are arranged alphabetically as the dates that the photographs or slides were taken couldn't be ascertained.
The final series on writings and speeches is divided into two sub-series : English and Marathi. The English sub-series is categories thematically for example : writings on biodiversity, and these have been arranged alphabetically. Marathi sub-series has been arranged chronologically, and the undated writings are arranged alphabetically.
- Creation: Undated
- From the Collection: Gole, Prakash (1938-2013) (Person)
- From the Collection: V., Parvathy (Processing Archivist, Person)
Conditions Governing Access
The collection is open for access.
From the Collection: 5 Linear Feet (10 Archival boxes)
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Archives at NCBS Repository
National Centre for Biological Sciences - Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Bangalore Karnataka 560065 India
+9180 6717 6010
+9180 6717 6011