Showing Records: 5101 - 5200 of 6526
Srinivasavaradachariar, T
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-9-3-29-90
Srinivasiengar, C. N.
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-013-1-5-2-27
Sriraman, S
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-6-5-26-25
Srirangam City Council - Welcome Letter
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-9-3-29-91
Srisailam Tigers Roar Again
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-042-3-1-9-46
Srivastan, Tej Prakash
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-6-7-28-69
Srivastava, B P
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-6-5-26-26
Srivastava, Hirdai Narain
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-6-5-26-27
Srivastava, M B
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-6-4-20-73
Srivastava, Narendra K
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-6-5-28-111
Srivastava, T P
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-6-7-28-70
Srivastava, Tej
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-6-4-20-74
SS Bhatnagar Award
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-4-4-12-16
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-5-2-13-31
Standen, Anthony
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-6-4-20-75
Standing Order - Organisation of ISAC
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-041-2-3-10-15
Standing order - reorganisation of SHAR centre
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-041-2-3-12-12
Stanley, W M
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-6-4-20-76
State of Kerala Transport Dept. vs individual- Special Leave Petition.
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-014-3-1-5-1
Statement by Arjun Singh, Minister of Human Resource Development
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-049-1-2-1-11
Statement of accounts
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-004-2-2-17-24
Statements and letters related to litigation filed against V Subrahmanyan
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-045-1-2-1-25
Statements from various data collected on crocodiles
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-042-1-1-1-2
Station Director, All India Radio
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-017-1-2-1-42
Statistics from the United Planters Association of South India, data on area under cultivation
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-021-4-0-OS13-84
Statue Square, Mysore, at night -- Season's Greetings from Krishnaraja Wadiyar (Wodeyar)
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-012-5-3-4-10
Status of Bar Headed Goose in different regions- Part 1/3
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-018-2-1-2-3
Status of Mugger in India
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-042-3-5-13-19
Steacie, E W R
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-6-5-26-28
Stearns, Stephen C
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-017-1-3-3-17
Sterilisation - A closer look
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-040-5-1-4-5
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-6-7-28-71
Stone, Marshall H.
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-013-1-5-2-25
Stoner, Edmund C
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-6-3-17-27
Stories of Change - Upholding the Rights of the Girl Child
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-032-2-0-2-24
Storks, Herons, Cranes, EA Guide -- Preparatory drawings (1/2)
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-033-1-2-1-44
Storks, Herons, Cranes, EA Guide -- Preparatory drawings (2/2)
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-033-1-2-OS20-2
Streisinger, George
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-028-1-1-1-10
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-055-1-1-1-6
Student's Notebook, K Madian -- Research notes by K Madian
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-029-1-2-2-3
Students of agriculture, Mysore Director of Agriculture
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-012-1-1-1-1
Studies in Disinfection and Sterilization
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-045-1-3-2-5
Studies in Electro-Culture, Part 1 - Introduction
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-045-1-3-2-4
Studies in the Mechanism of Biological Nitrogen Fixation
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-045-1-3-2-16
Studies in the Proteins of Indian Foodstuffs, Part 2
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-045-1-3-2-1
Studies on Soil Actinomyces, Part 3
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-045-1-3-2-2
Studies on the Action of Cations on Paddy, with Particular Reference to the Role of Sodium Ion and its Application in the Preservation, Parboiling, and Drying of Paddy
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-045-1-3-2-29
Found in:
Archives at NCBS
V Subrahmanyan Papers
Series 1: Research and Administration
Sub-Series 3: Notes, drafts, and publications
Studies on the Action of Cations on Paddy, with Particular Reference to the Role of Sodium Ion and its Application in the Preservation, Parboiling, and Drying of Paddy, 1971
Studies on the Hemoglobins A and B of Indian Cattle
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-3-14
Study of Blood Groups, Abnormal Hemoglobins and other Genetic Characters in Some Tribes at Gujrat
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-029-1-7-3-15
Study of the ecology of some endangered species of wildlife and their habitats - The lesser florican in Sailana (MP)
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-036-2-2-1-16
Study Tour, Visit to Tadoba National Park
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-042-1-3-5-10
Studying movement pattern and dispersal of the Bengal Florican (Houbaropsis bengalensis): a Satellite Telemetry Pilot Project
Digital Record
Identifier: SD-002-6-1-4-8
Subrahmaniam, S V
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-045-1-2-1-26
Subrahmanyam, S V H
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-6-5-26-29
Subrahmanyam, V - UNESCO
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-6-5-26-30
Subrahmanyan, V - Central Food Technological Research Institute
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-6-5-26-31
Subramaniam, first name unspecified, Gopinath, G
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-028-1-1-1-40
Subramaniam, M
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-6-5-26-32
Subramaniam, N R and references
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-6-5-26-33
Subramaniam, S
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-6-6-28-15
Subramaniam, T
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-9-3-29-92
Subramaniam, V
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-6-5-26-34
Subramaniam, V
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-9-3-29-93
Subramaniam, V A
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-9-3-29-94
Subramanian, P N
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-6-4-20-77
Subramanian, Rama
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-9-2-29-16
Subramanyam, D. S.
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-013-1-5-2-28
Sucksmith, W
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-6-3-17-28
Suḍar - Issue 7 - Delhi Tamil Sangham
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-9-10-31-22
Sudarshan, E. C. G.
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-013-1-7-3-61
Sudarshanashatakam by P.B. Annangaracharya, Srivilasam Press
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-9-9-31-15
Sudasari, Desert National Park
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-004-1-1-12-16
Sudbery, Tony
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-044-1-0-1-71
Sugdev, S
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-6-4-20-78
Suggestion At Aero Society Of India Meeting 1998 By Outgoing President VJ Sundaram
Digital Record
Identifier: SD-001-2-1-1-6
Sukumar, R.
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-017-1-3-3-18
Sukumaran, P K
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-028-1-1-1-26
Sulaiman, Shah
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-013-1-3-1-24
Summary of Judgements
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-027-4-4-30-10
Summary of Presidential Address on use of abstract mathematics
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-013-4-2-14-2
Summary of talk
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-013-4-2-13-31
Summary of the talk on the "Carbon Atom in Chemistry"
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-3-1-9-23
Summary records of the discussions between secretary, DOS and Dr Brahm Prakash
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-041-2-3-10-37
Summary Report: Somalian Crocodile Consultancy
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-042-1-2-3-5
Sun Wonder- booklet on daytime science experiments
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-031-1-1-1-7
Sunbirds and Spiderhunters #109
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-033-1-2-1-45
Sundarachari, T
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-6-5-26-35
Sundararajan, G
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-6-7-28-72
Sundararajan, V
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-6-5-26-36
Sundaresan, K. S.
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-013-1-6-3-18
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-013-1-7-3-62
Suri, S
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-6-5-26-37
Sūriya sakti (Solar power), Reprint from "Kalki" Deepaval Special Number 1942
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-9-7-30-74
Survey of Rivers in Pune
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-018-2-8-3-32
Survey of the Potential Sites for the Reintroduction of Asiatic Lions
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-042-3-2-11-3
Surya sandesh-from darkness to light- experiment card
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-031-2-1-1-10
Suryanarayana, D.
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-013-1-7-3-63
Suryanarayanaiyangar, P
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-024-6-4-20-79
Suryotsav - a handbook of activities for annual solar eclipse
Digital Record
Identifier: MS-031-1-1-1-6